قرص perfectil plus

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قرص perfectil plus
قرص perfectil plus

یک عدد قرص در روز همراه با وعده اصلی غذایی با یک لیوان آب

قرص پرفکتیل شامل عصاره دانه انگور که حاوی پروآنتوسیانیدین می باشد و همچنین کاروتنوئیدها، ویتامین های A, E, C, D, P.A.B.A ، بیوتین، سیستین، و مواد معدنی و … را نیز دارا است. زیبایی با پوست سالم و زیبا، موهای پر پوشت و سالم و ناخن های محکم شناخته می شود و شرایطی مثل رژیم غذایی، رادیکال های آزاد، نور خورشید، افزایش سن، اضطراب و استرس، کم خونی ناشی از فقر آهن، آلودگی محیطی سلامت پوست و مو را به خطر می اندازد. قرص پرفکتیل دارای ریز مغذی های ضروری جهت حفظ سلامت و شادابی پوست، مو و ناخن هاست، را داراست. نقش ویتامین‌ ها در سلامت پوست و مو : ویتامین ‌ها ترکیبات ارگانیکی هستند که از نظر بیولوژیکی فعال و برای فعالیت‌ های فیزیولوژیکی بدن ضروری هستند. ویتامین ‌ها به عنوان کوآنزیم متابولیکی نقش حیاتی در رشد و عملکرد طبیعی بافت ‌ها دارند. کمبود یا زیادی ویتامین ‌ها در بدن می ‌تواند منشأ بسیاری از مشکلات پوستی شود. البته مصرف بیش از اندازه ویتامین ‌ها فقط در گروه ویتامین‌ های محلول در چربی یعنی ویتامین A، E، D و K ممکن است رخ دهد و در ویتامین ‌های محلول در آب یعنی ویتامین C، B مشاهده نمی‌ شود. 1. ویتامین C : اسید آسکوربیک یک ویتامین محلول در آب است که به وفور در میوه‌ و سبزی ‌ها یافت می‌ شود و نقش مهمی در تشکیل کلاژن و جذب آهن، متابولیسم اسیدفولیک و عملکرد صحیح گلبول ‌های سفید ایفا می‌ کند. در جامعه ما به خاطر وجود و وفور منابع غنی از ویتامین C، کمبود آن به ندرت دیده می ‌شود. کمبود ویتامین C باعث هیپرکراتوز(زبر شدن) دهانه فولیکولی پوست اندام ‌ها و تنه و شکنندگی موها، خون‌ ریزی زیر پوستی، لثه ‌ها و ضخیم‌ شدن لثه می‌ شود. این ویتامین به عنوان یک آنتی ‌اکسیدان قوی نقش مهمی در جلوگیری از پیری زودرس پوست و مقاومت بیشتر پوست در مقابل نور خورشید دارد و مصرف موضعی آن باعث روشن ‌تر شدن پوست می‌ شود. 2. ویتامین ‌های گروه B : از جمله ویتامین ‌های محلول در آب و شامل 8 ویتامین ضروری برای فعالیت بدن هستند. کمبود آن ها در سوء تغذیه شدید و در مواردی که کمبود روی و کمبود اسیدهای چرب ضروری وجود دارد، دیده می ‌شود. 3. کمبود ویتامین(B1 تیامین): باعث بروز بیماری بری ‌بری می ‌شود. منابع غنی از ویتامین B1، گوشت، مخمرها، جگر، تخم ‌مرغ و سبزیجات هستند. تغییرات پوستی مخاطی از جمله ادم، التهاب و درد زبان از علائم کمبود آن است. 4. ویتامین B2 یا ریبوفلاوین: در شیر و غذاهای حاوی ویتامین B2 یافت می‌ شود. کمبود آن در پوست، بیماری پوستی شبیه درماتیت سبورتیک ایجاد می‌ کند. از بین رفتن پرزهای زبان می‌ تواند از دیگر علائم پوستی مخاطی آن باشد. 5. ویتامین B3 یا نیاسین: در جگر، ماهی سالمون و گوشت یافت می ‌‌شود. نقش مهمی در واکنش‌ های اکسیداسیون و احیای بدن ایفا می‌ کند. نیاسین نقش مهمی در بیوسنتز لیپیدهای پوستی که نقش مهمی در عملکرد حفاظتی پوست دارند ایفا می ‌کند. بیماری پلاگرا که شامل درماتیت، اسهال و فراموشی است ناشی از کمبود این ویتامین است. درماتیت ناشی از کمبود نیاسین به صورت قرمزی قرنیه در نواحی در معرض نور خورشید، همراه با پوسته‌ ریزی و هیپرپیگمانتاسیون پوست آن نواحی است. 6. ویتامین B6 یا پیروکسیدین: به وفور در طبیعت یافت می‌ شود. داروهایی مانند قرص‌ های جلوگیری از بارداری، هیدرالازین و پنی‌ سیلامین می‌ توانند باعث کمبود آن شوند. کمبود آن باعث درماتیت دور دهان، التهاب دهان و زبان می‌ شود. 7. ویتامین B12 : در فرآورده‌ های حیوانی به وفور یافت می‌ شود. نقش مهمی در سنتز DNA دارد. یافته‌ های پوستی کمبود ویتامین غیرشایع هستند ولی قرمزی و درد زبان، تیرگی بیشتر پوست در چین ‌های بدن و کم ‌خونی مگالوبلاستیک دیده می ‌شود. 8. ویتامین B9 یا اسیدفولیک: در جگر، گوشت، شیرینی و برگ‌ های سبز سبزیجات یافت می ‌شود. مانند ویتامین B12 در سنتز DNA نقش دارد. کمبود آن نیز باعث التهاب لب، زبان و مخاط و تغییر رنگ تیره پوست نواحی در معرض آفتاب می‌ شود.کم ‌خونی مگالوبلاستیک از علائم آن است. کمبود ویتامین B5، علائم پوستی مخاطی ندارد. 9. بیوتین یا ویتامین H: به وفور در جگر و به مقدار کمتر در گوشت، زرده تخم‌ مرغ، مخمرها و گوجه ‌فرنگی یافت و به علاوه در روده انسان توسط باکتری ‌ها نیز ساخته می ‌شود. کمبود بیوتین باعث ریزش مو، اگزمای پوست و گزگز پوست خواهد شد

خسته نباشید،میخواستم بدونم این محصول برای رشد مجدد موهایی که بر اثر استرس ریخته شده و در کل روی رشد مجدد مو تاثیر گذاره؟


کاربرگرامی، بله. این محصول تا حدودی در رویش مجدد مو موثر می باشد منتها در صورتی که اثرات بهتری مد نظر شما باشد، بهتر است در کنار این محصول از نورکرین نیز استفاده نمایید.

با تشکر – مسئول فنی داروخانه ( دکتر داروساز )قرص perfectil plus

سلام این قرص را خانم ها هم میتونن استفاده کنن

با سلام

کاربر گرامی، این محصول هم در آقایان و هم در بانوان قابل استفاده می باشد.

با تشکر – مسئول فنی داروخانه ( دکتر داروساز )

سلام خسته نباشید ببخشید پرفکتیل بهتره برا ریزش مو یا سیستن ب6


کاربر گرامی، هر دو محصول از کیفیت بالایی برخوردار می باشند منتها جدول ترکیبات پرفکتیل به نسبت کامل تر می باشد.

با تشکر – مسئول فنی داروخانه ( دکتر داروساز )

سلام این قرص حداقل و حداکثر باید چند دوره استفاده بشه


کاربرگرامی، بهتر است این محصول حداقل برای سه دوره استفاده شود منتها مصرف این محصول محدودیت نداشته و می توانید در طولانی مدت از محصول استفاده نمایید.

با تشکر – مسئول فنی داروخانه ( دکتر داروساز )

سلام.من کم کاری تیروئید دارم و حدود یک ماه هست شروع به مصرف قرص لووتیروکسین کردم و الان روزی یک عدد مصرف میکنم.از طرفی ریزش مو هم دارم و دکتر آمپول دکسپانتنول و قرص آیزن پلاس و ویتامین د3 تجویز کرده که بعد از گذشت 3 هفته هنوز تاثیر ی نداشته الان با توصیه داروخانه قرص پرفکتیل و شامپو c1 آلپسین هم تازه گرفتم و میخواستم بدونم قرص پرفکتیل رو میشه با تیروئید کم کار مصرف کرد؟

با سلام

کاربر گرامی، مصرف پرفکتیل با دو تا سه ساعت فاصله زمانی مشکلی نخواهد داشت. به عنوان مثال می توانید محصول را بعد از ناهار میل نمایید.

با تشکر – مسئول فنی داروخانه ( دکتر داروساز )

این قرص را بعد از صرف شام استفاده کنیم، زمان مناسبی است؟


کاربر گرامی، مصرف این قرص به صورت روزانه یک عدد بوده و می توانید بعد از یکی از وعده های غذایی این محصول را مصرف نمایید.

با تشکر – مسئول فنی داروخانه ( دکتر داروساز )

سلام میخواستم بدونم مصرف این محصول باعث افزایش موهای زاید و یا ریشها میشود یا خیر

با سلام

کاربر گرامی، این ترکیبات در حالت کلی اثرات چندانی در افزایش موهای زائد ندارند منتها در افراد مستعد ممکن است تا حدودی در این مورد موثر باشد.

با تشکر – مسئول فنی داروخانه ( دکتر داروساز )

سلام خسته نباشید من حدود 1 ماه است ک دچار ریزش مو سکه ای شدم دکتر برام این قرص پرفکتیل و یک تونیک تقویت مو سریتا پرو- مین تجویز کرده
قرص ها بسته اخرشه ولی تغییری تو بازگشت موهام نداشته
چیکار کنم ک موهام دوبار اونجا ها ک ریخته دوباره رشد کنه ایا همین قرص کافیه؟

با سلام

کاربر گرامی، این محصولات مناسب بوده و بهتر است مطابق دستور پزشک مصرف این محصولات را ادامه دهید.

با تشکر – مسئول فنی داروخانه ( دکتر داروساز )

با سلام
آیا این مکمل با داروی وارفاربن تداخلی ایجاد نمی کند و می توانم آنرا مصرف کنم؟
با تشکر

با سلام

کاربر گرامی، در حالت کلی مصرف این محصول با دو ساعت فاصله مشکلی به دنبال نخواهد داشت منتها بهتر است در ابتدای مصرف PT به صورت مرتب بررسی شود.

با تشکر – مسئول فنی داروخانه ( دکتر داروساز )

سلام خسته نباشید من مدت 6 ماه از قرص راکوتان استفاده کردم 2 ماه از قطع دارو میگذره ریزش موی شدیدلیدا کردم و حجم موها به شدت کم شده ایا این محصول مناسب هست برای استفاده
یا شما محصول دیگری رو پیشنهاد میدید؟؟؟


کاربر گرامی، بله. این محصول می تواند تا حدود مناسبی در کنترل ریزش مو موثر باشد و شما می توانید روزانه یک عدد از این محصول مصرف نمایید.

با تشکر – مسئول فنی داروخانه ( دکتر داروساز )

تهران – خیابان جمالزاده شمالی – 200 متر بالاتر از خیابان فرصت – نبش کوچه یزدان شناس – پلاک 251 – داروخانه مرکزی جمالزاده

طراحی و توسعه توسط گروه آریاس ( 1388-1398 )

این محصول از سبد خرید شما حذف شود ؟

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UK’s No.1 Vitamin Company

When our skin feels good, we feel good, but everyday factors including pollution, lifestyle and diet can affect skin in many ways. Perfectil Plus Skin is a patent protected formula with nutrients for even greater support for your skin†. Perfectil Plus Skin provides the original effective Perfectil formula for skin, hair and nails, plus the additional benefit of a specialist Nutri-dermal™ capsule, in a dual pack.

Each Nutri-dermal™ capsule provides extra specific nutrients targeted at skin health.قرص perfectil plus

Our skin, hair and nails all require specific vitamins and nutrients. Perfectil works by delivering nourishment through the bloodstream, so works ‘from within’. Each original tablet contains a range of over 20 micronutrients with specific ingredients for skin, hair and nails.

For skin health:

Perfectil Plus Skin nourishes and protects from the inside and provides micronutrients to support the building blocks of your skin, hair and nails, to help support their health and appearance. Perfectil Plus Skin can be taken on a daily basis, as part of your regular beauty regime, and replaces your usual multivitamin supplement. Perfectil Plus Skin is protected by a granted European patent. Patent No. 2280684

†Compared to Perfectil Original

*NRV = Nutrient Reference Value, µg = microgram mg = milligram, IU = International Units.

*NRV = Nutrient Reference Value, µg = microgram mg = milligram, IU = International Units.

ONE TABLET (BLUE BLISTER) PER DAY, PLUS ONE CAPSULE (TURQUOISE BLISTER) PER DAY. Swallow each with water or a cold drink and take with a main meal. Not to be chewed. Do not exceed recommended intake. Only to be taken on a full stomach.

As with other food supplements, , consult your doctor of pharmacist before using if you are under medical supervision, pregnant, breast-feeding, have epilepsy, a thyrpid condition, haemochromatosis, or suffer from food allergies or are allergic to any of the ingredients. Made in a site that may handle nuts. Not suitable for children. .

Allergy Advice: For allergens, see ingredients in bold.

This product contains iron, which if taken in excess, may be harmful to very young children. Food supplements must not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Store below 25°C in a dry place, out of sight and reach of children.

Perfectil Plus Skin is a patent protected formula developed for those who want to maintain the health of their hair and nails, but have a particular interest in maintaining their skin health and wish to give this aspect extra support.
Perfectil Plus Skin contains the original No. 1 Perfectil triple active formula plus Nutri-Dermal™ capsule with extra biotin which contributes to the maintenance of normal skin

The Nutri-Dermal™ capsule also provides Lutein, Co-enzyme Q10 Lycopene extract, plus essential Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil and Omega-6 fatty acids from Starflower and Blackcurrant Seed Oil.

Perfectil Plus Skin is recommended for those who want to focus on the health of their skin whilst also maintaining overall hair and nail health. Perfectil Plus Skin replaces your daily multivitamin and mineral supplement, and can be used for as long as required.

During pregnancy, we would only recommend a multivitamin supplement specially formulated for pregnancy, such as Pregnacare. Pregnacare (from Vitabiotics) contains a careful combination of vitamins and minerals, specially developed for use throughout the whole of pregnancy, and also whilst breast-feeding.

Generally, Perfectil Plus Skin may be used along-side medications because it contains only moderate levels of vitamins and minerals, and it is free of any drugs or hormones. For specific advice on taking Perfectil Plus Skin with medicines, we recommend that you contact your doctor or pharmacist first.

Perfectil Plus Skin contains 28 multivitamin tablets and 28 Nutri-Dermal™ capsules, which are each taken one per day.

One Perfectil tablet and one Nutri-Dermal™ capsule per day are recommended with your main meal. Swallow with water or a cold drink. Taking Perfectil Plus Skin with a large meal maximises the absorption of the nutrients, and can reduce nausea, which is sometimes experienced if multivitamins are taken on an empty stomach. Perfectil Plus Skin should only be taken on a full stomach. Always ensure that Perfectil Plus Skin is taken with plenty of liquid to wash the tablet and capsule down, and not tea or coffee as this may cause them to disintegrate too early.

A regular intake is recommended, which is why the blister pack is day marked, but don’t worry, this will not have done any harm. Simply take Perfectil Plus Skin on the next day when you remember, and take as directed. You should not take more than the recommended amount on subsequent days to make up for any day/s that you have missed. Whilst it is important to take a supplement every day, if you miss one day this is fine because the beneficial effects of the vitamins and minerals build over time.

Difficulty in swallowing tablets is quite a common experience. Vitabiotics have researched this extensively and recommend after chewing some food (e.g. banana), just before you swallow, pop the tablet into your mouth and swallow it together with the chewed food, followed by some liquid. The throat opens up wider to swallow the chewed food and so the tablet should go down with greater ease. Alternatively, the tablets may be swallowed with thicker liquids such as yoghurts or smoothies.

Perfectil Plus Skin has no known side effects when taken as directed. Do not exceed the recommended tablet and capsule intake. In case of overdose, seek medical advice immediately.

Please see nutritional information click here

Results vary amongst individuals, but in most cases we would expect the beneficial effects of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients in Perfectil Plus Skin to build over several weeks, with noticeable results in one to three months. A regular intake is recommended. There is no maximum length of time over which Perfectil Plus Skin may be used.

Calcium is an essential mineral, needed for the maintenance of normal bones. Perfectil Plus Skin can be used with Vitabiotics’ Osteocare tablets, chewable, fizz or liquid.

Certain vitamins are very safe at levels tens or even hundreds of times the NRV, whereas for others the safety level is much closer to the NRV. For this reason every vitamin and mineral needs to considered on an individual basis in terms of its upper safe level.

The Nutrient Reference Value (NRV) is the amount of a vitamin or mineral which has been calculated to help prevent basic deficiency states in the general population. However, certain vitamins and minerals at optimal levels, above the NRV, have consistently been shown to have positive benefits in specific areas of health. This is why some Vitabiotics formulas have certain nutrient levels greater than 100% NRV.

All Vitabiotics products have been developed using the latest research and contain effective levels of vitamins and minerals, while avoiding any excessive amounts, in accordance with official upper safe limits for vitamins and minerals.

Vitabiotics avoids ‘mega dose’ levels of isolated nutrients and instead we have always stressed the importance of safe, moderate and sensible levels of vitamins and minerals, carefully balanced to maximise their combined effect; an approach which has been supported by many experts and researchers over the years.

“I love Perfectil, I started taking perfectil vitamins 4 years ago, can’t live without it! My hair, my skin and my nails loves it! I recommended it to all my friends, colleagues, family and relatives! “

“I have been using these around 3 weeks now and it has done amazing things not just to my hair but my skin and nails are looking amazing, skin looks radiant and nails growing and much stronger…will continue to take them for sure!”

“I have been using Perfect 7Prime Woman 50+ for a long time but 2 months ago I stumbled Perfectil Original Skin, Hair, Nails. My nails have always been horrendous, flacking, cracking, bending etc. I am now on my 3rd month taking these and OMG really cannot believe it, my nails have grown, no flaking, much stronger, I am so thrilled that I can be proud to show my hands now. I just had to write to thank you.”

“Hi. I have been using Perfectil Plus Hair for a year. I LOVE THE DIFFERENCE IT HAS MADE TO MY FINE BALDING HAIR. Thank you for this amazing product. I will always use this product now as my hair is so strong and different. Thank you.”

“I was resistant at the beginning, but here I am after a week I can really feel a change in my skin glowing. Thank you. “قرص perfectil plus

“I am so grateful. … I have been on Perfectil now for a month for hair and my hair is no longer falling out and its coming thick, shiny, bouncy, I just want to say with a smile, thank you! Thank you! Try it please, it works!”

“I have been taking Perfectil Original since l turned 40. I am now 71 and people remark that l not look my age.l therefore have to put this down to your product as my hair, skin and nails are perfect.Thank you”

“This product is really good for me. Thank you very much Perfectil.”

“My friends have noticed the change to my hair condition since it was damaged by a bad hairdresser who completely burned it doing highlights. It took me three years to recover it and it would never be possible without Perfectil.”

“I went to my hairdresser a couple of weeks ago and when he was done he was filled with self praise. He thought that he had the magic touch because he had never done my hair so well before. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was the effect of using Perfectil. My hair is so shiny and it’s getting so thick already. Skin is still glowing and my nails have been growing like weeds. All this after being on these products for only 8 weeks. I will always be a customer.”

Love u Perfectil. Thanks a lot Vitabiotics.

“I have been using Perfectil Original for the last few months and I felt compelled to email you to congratulate you on such a wonderful product. In the past I have used a number of well known products, (which also were far more expensive than your product) and they have NOT worked for me. I am so glad that your product does work for me. Thank you again”

“I am writing to tell you how much I adore your “Perfectil” range of products. My nails have gone from stumpy and frail, to long and strong!!! I haven’t seen a difference in hair length, however it has become thicker and more shiny. …have improved my skin so much!!! All I can say is “well done”!! As a feel good enthusiast, I have recommend all your products to my friends and family. Thank you.”

“I’ve been using Perfectil since last summer and I have to say I am obsessed with it! I got the one that helps that little big extra with hair growth and it made a huge difference! I used to have such thin hair and it wouldn’t grow for me until u started using Perfectil! I have told all my friends about it because they noticed such a huge difference!”

“I started shedding my hair very badly. After taking this hair fall is under control. My skin is glowing and my nails are very pretty. I have got the stock for another 4 months. Thanks Perfectil.. Beauty of Secret.”

“A shop assistant in Boots Chemists told me about Perfectil about 10 years ago after I admired her hair. I started taking Perfectil and my hair was the healthiest it’s ever been and people often commented on how shiny it was! I say was, because I decided to go back to being a blond a few months ago, and as was expected, my hair is now weakened and damaged because of the bleaching process. I am going to start taking Perfectil again to hopefully get my hair back into a healthy, shiny state and, hopefully, grow it back to its former length. Thank you so much for your wonderful product Perfectil. I have extolled its virtues to everyone who has ever stopped me in the street, supermarket, etc. admiring my shiny locks.”

“I just wanted to take the time to send you some feedback on one of your products that I have been using (skin, hair, nails). I have been using this product for 2 months and I can already see a difference in my skin. My skin looks revitalised, I have even received compliments from friends. Your product has literally given me a new found confidence in my appearance, thank you”

“I have only been taking this product for three weeks now but I have already begun to see a marked improvement in my nails, hair, and skin. I will continue to use this product. Thanks Perfectil !”

“These tablets are miracle.. i only used them for 10 days i can see the difference already. thanks for Perfectil.”

“I am very impressed with this product. I am 56 years old and have never been able to grow my nails. I have been taking Perfectil for 2 months and now my nails are strong and lovely. As a bonus my hair and skin are in the best condition they have ever been. I will keep on using this product in the future. Thank you”

“Hi, I just wanted to say how happy I am with Perfectil. I started taking them almost 2 years ago when I suffered from hair loss. I had tried everything else without success, but within 3 months of taking Perfectil triple active my hair was growing back. It is now back to normal but I don’t think I’ll ever stop taking them, my general health has improved and I’m pretty sure its down to Perfectil. thank you so much for this wonderful product. I work in the beauty industry and I often meet ladies who are going through problems with hair loss and I tell them all to use this product. It genuinely works. Thank you.”

“After taking Perfectil Platinum for 2 weeks I can honestly say my skin is positively looking 100% improved and looks so smooth and amazing. It is great to wake up every day and see my skin is even more glowing and fresh.”

“For more than 3 years, I have been purchasing Vitabiotics healthcare supplements for myself and my family. Two months ago, I tried Perfectil Platinum. Results are amazing. Perfectil Platinum has helped me maintain skin radiance and elasticity despite huge lose of weight! Thank you, Vitabiotics!”

“Perfectil is an amazing product which I have been using for more than 10 years and I can truly say that this is a miracle in a box! It does exactly what it says on the box and the results are that it’s taken years off my real age.”

“I’ve been using Perfectil for just two weeks and my skin is almost perfect. Thank you for this product!”

“I cannot believe what a difference Perfectil has made in such a short space of time! My nails are long and strong and my hair is in really good condition. Perfectil was recommended to me by my hairdresser – and I’ve recommended it to all my friends!”

“I have been taking Perfectil for the past 2 weeks and i can’t imagine the change in my skin. I’m so happy – thanks to Vitabiotics!”

“I started using this product on 29th December 2009 and today, 16th March I’ve noticed a difference in my skin and nails! My nails are the longest they have ever been in years (last time was during my pregnancy ten years ago!) Thank you”

“I have been using Perfectil for 30 days. I can’t believe how clear and healthy looking my skin is. What a difference i am recommending this product to all my friends!”

“I have been taking Perfectil for 11 months now and the change in my skin is amazing. Since 15 (now 34!) I had tried everything. I saw these and got some and have never looked back. My nails are also growing, without breaking, for the first time ever and my hair is better too. I would recommend these to anybody. I have skin confidence for the first time in a long time 🙂 I have now started taking Perfectil Plus, as I’m getting older, due to the content of EFA’s and Omega oils, something which my diet lacks. So hopefully I’ll look even better!!! Thank God for these vitamins!”

“I have been using Perfectil for the last 3 years and the results are amazing. Since using Perfectil, my skin is completely clear. I do not even need to use foundation or powder.”

“I am writing to say thanks. My skin has always been nice and shiny but my hair has been a real disaster after having my first child. I have been using Perfectil for 4 months and it had an amazing effect on my hairs and nails. I am very happy that I have chosen to be a Perfectil customer.”

“I have been using Perfectil for 2 months now and have seen a very big difference in my skin and especially my hair. Since using Perfectil, my complexion has become flawless. My hair was also very brittle, it is now so thick and grows so fast, even my hairdresser has commented on how strong my hair has become.”

“Hello, I just had to write this email to tell you how wonderful Perfectil is. I have to take very strong medication and for a long time I was losing a lot of my hair, I tried everything from pills to specialist shampoo, spent a small fortune and had no results. Then spotted your product and tried it for a few months and my hair is fuller and healthier than before. I just wanted to say this product is a miracle for me and I will always continue to take it.”

“I have been using Perfectil for the last 2 months. I am impressed that my nails and skin are much better. I am also going to the gym 3 times a week but I have never seen such a radiant glow on my skin. My hair is very brittle and dry but it is getting better. I hope it will help my hair as well. I will be taking these tablets for a very long time.”

“Just like to say a big thank you to Perfectil. I have suffered from hair loss at the age of 24 so i started to use Perfectil. My hair looks more healthy and has a healthy shine. Many thanks again.”

“First time I have purchased Perfectil but I am most impressed with the outcome. After 1 week I can see a marked difference in my nails. Thank you.”

“I wrote to you before about your wonderful hair and nail vitamins. Well I have taken them for about 6 months and my nails are wonderful, almost can’t keep up with them they were so weak before. My nails have never been so good, they are long and hard and need constant filing!”

“I first started taking Perfectil about a year and a half ago and couldn’t believe the results. The appearance of my skin, hair and nails improved within a few weeks. Thanks”

“I am going through the menopause at the age of 45 and have been for the last 2/3 years. It was suggested to me that I should start to take Perfectil for skin hair and nails. I am on my 2nd pack of 30 tablets and I have noticed an improvement in the thickness of my hair.”

“I felt I must write to tell you how brilliant your product Perfectil is. I have been taking Perfectil for about four months now and have seen so much difference in my hair and nails. My nails were very brittle and would not grow. Also my hair was quite fine. Since taking the tablets I have seen a big difference. My hair seems to have become thicker, growing lovely and my nails, although not quite talons, are growing beautifully.”

“Perfectil has really worked well for me. My hair was brittle and always breaking because in the winter, I normally keep it in plates and this can take its toll on my hair. But since I started taking Perfectil, my hair has improved dramatically and is stronger and has a healthy shine. It has also helped my nails to grow and my skin has a wonderful glow which my friends and partner have all commented on. I’d recommend it to anyone!!!!!”

“I have been using Perfectil for 1 month and I am so happy that it really helped the quality of my hair. I was having problem of hairloss. My hair looks healthy.Thank you very much PERFECTIL.

“During the past couple of years, my skin has not been what it used to be. I decided to try Perfectil a week ago, and the differences made to my skin were almost instant. I feel much happier now. My hair is also in a lot better condition, so thanks!”

“I tried many products but no luck. Some Skin Specialist advised to take PERFECTIL. A lot of Thanks to PERFECTIL.

“Bought this product after having a nasty experience with a dodgy nail bar which ruined my nails, after using them for 4 weeks I can already notice the difference, my nails are growing and are getting back their strength, not to mention my hair feels thicker and is always shiny and my skin hasn’t had the usual monthly break out when my period is due – its magic – thanks Perfectil”

“I have a history of very sensitive skin. I took Perfectil some time ago and felt that my skin was very healthy at that point although I could not believe that Perfectil was the main reason…I then stopped and restarted 3 weeks ago, and I can honestly say the results are amazing ..”

“I have been taking Perfectil for around 6 months now. A while back I saw a magazine advertising Perfectil and it said all the supermodels were taking, so I though its got to be half decent. I never noticed much improvement for about a month apart from my nails were slight stronger, but as all beauty treatments, I thought you should use them for 3 months to notice the difference.
After 3 months there were improvements in my nails and skin, my hair was stronger too. Imagine all the improvements now I’ve been taking them for six months. For years I have been looking for creams, serums, strengtheners etc. to make me look better. We all take them, lets face it, we spend huge amounts of money on them, but Perfectil isn’t a fancy cream and that is way better. I didn’t think the tablets would help improve the way you look until I heard of Perfectil. Listen to one thing I’ve got to say, save your money and treat your self, don’t get all these fancy things, just buy a box of Perfectil. It is an excellent product. Oh and one last thing, no it’s not like taking medication.”

“I have an extremely busy lifestyle, I hardly have time to cleanse, tone and moisturise most of the time, never have a manicure to make my nails stronger as they are weak and don’t use leave in conditioners. I was talking to a mate of mine a while back who has the same problem but she always looks well pampered and she was talking about Perfectil. That evening I went out and bought some, thinking I might give it a try but it might not work. I have been using Perfectils for around 3 and a half months now and the results are amazing. Everyone always asks me where I buy my face cream and nail strengthener from. Its not like taking medication or anything and I recommend it to everyone. They are really cheap compared to all these fancy products, plus you need to buy different types for all that Perfectil does. If you have the same problem as me buy some and if you haven’t still buy some. You will be screaming with joy at the difference…

“Dear Spirit, (Superdrug magazine)

At long last I have the lovely-looking, just manicured nails that I’ve always dreamed of. Thanks to your article and promotion in the Nov/December issue. I think it was in ‘Spirit loves’.

I’ve always had horrible short nails, as I just couldn’t stop biting them, and they would never grow. Even my skin and complexion is bright and clear. Also, I don’t have to worry about taking specific vitamins and minerals, this wonder product helps maintain healthy skin, hair and nails plus it has all the vitamins you can think of. You mentioned that if you start now, by the summer you will have something to smile about but I have the proof already after 3 ½ months. So I’d like to say THANKS FOR RECOMMENDING PERFECTIL!!! I don’t know what I’d do without it!


Ms S M,

PS- keep up the good work.

“Perfectil is Great…”

“I was very keen on trying out various health supplements but never seemed to
notice any benefit, so I stopped taking them. I was a little dubious about trying yet ‘another’ product but as I felt low and was looking old for my age, I eventually decided to try your Menopace and Perfectil tablets. I am so glad I did, because after only 3 weeks I started to feel so much happier and more energetic. After 10 weeks everyone says I look ten years younger! Can this really be due to your tablets? I will only know the answer
if I stop taking them but I am not taking the chance! There is only one person who thinks more highly of your products than I do and that is my husband!

I am really pleased with the product Perfectil.”

““I am now 65 and my skin is very good; I have a good head of hair, and I am always being complimented on my nails which are long, strong and look terrific. Needless to say this is due to taking Perfectil, so I recommend everyone to take them. I am.”

“I am 16 and have recently started taking one of your range of vitamin products, PERFECTIL, and I just wanted to say how good they are! In the short time I have been taking them, I have noticed a dramatic improvement in the state of my nails, and my skin and hair also seem healthier. I have had great trouble in the past with weak hair and nails, and poor skin condition, so I wanted to thank you very much for how much your product has helped me. I am very grateful to you for making this possible, and I would recommend this product to anyone.

Thank you again.

“Dear Vitabiotics,
About two years ago, my nails started to split, tear and were really unsightly. I tried many different very expensive creams to no avail, then about a year ago I found Perfectil in Superdrug.
After taking Perfectil for only 6 weeks, my nails started to grow much stronger, and stopped splitting and breaking.
Needless to say, I am thrilled to bits with the result, and I don’t think a day goes by without someone commenting on my nails, and asking how I managed to get them to grow as long, and strong as they are.
I am sure your sales of Perfectil must have increased in the last 6 months or so, as I have recommended it to so many people – Sales assistants, friends and family.
By the way, my hair and skin isn’t too bad either – considering I am over 60!!

“Dear Vitabiotics,

I have been meaning to write to you for a couple of months but can put it off no longer as I really feel I have to congratulate you on your wonderful product PERFECTIL.
I started taking these tablets about six months ago and now wouldn’t do without them. I am 56 yrs old. I decided to try Perfectil and I have to say, skin is pink and soft again, longest nails I’ve ever had and my hair is thick like it used to be. I can only put this down to these ‘great little pills’. Please,please don’t stop making them and take them off the market. This is the first letter I’ve ever written to a company about this product so you can see that’s a fair reflection on how I feel. Great!

Your Satisfied Customer,

Always see pack before use for full information and directions. As with other supplements, seek professional advice before using if you are under medical supervision, pregnant, breast-feeding, suffer from food allergies, or are allergic to soya, fish or fish products. This product contains iron, which if taken in excess, may be harmful to very young children. Vitamin supplements are not intended to treat or prevent any disease. Food supplements must not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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UK’s No.1 Vitamin Company

When our skin feels good, we feel good, but everyday factors including pollution, lifestyle and diet can affect skin in many ways. Perfectil Plus Skin is a patent protected formula with nutrients for even greater support for your skin†. Perfectil Plus Skin provides the original effective Perfectil formula for skin, hair and nails, plus the additional benefit of a specialist Nutri-dermal™ capsule, in a dual pack.

Each Nutri-dermal™ capsule provides extra specific nutrients targeted at skin health.قرص perfectil plus

Our skin, hair and nails all require specific vitamins and nutrients. Perfectil works by delivering nourishment through the bloodstream, so works ‘from within’. Each original tablet contains a range of over 20 micronutrients with specific ingredients for skin, hair and nails.

For skin health:

Perfectil Plus Skin nourishes and protects from the inside and provides micronutrients to support the building blocks of your skin, hair and nails, to help support their health and appearance. Perfectil Plus Skin can be taken on a daily basis, as part of your regular beauty regime, and replaces your usual multivitamin supplement. Perfectil Plus Skin is protected by a granted European patent. Patent No. 2280684

†Compared to Perfectil Original

*NRV = Nutrient Reference Value, µg = microgram mg = milligram, IU = International Units.

*NRV = Nutrient Reference Value, µg = microgram mg = milligram, IU = International Units.

ONE TABLET (BLUE BLISTER) PER DAY, PLUS ONE CAPSULE (TURQUOISE BLISTER) PER DAY. Swallow each with water or a cold drink and take with a main meal. Not to be chewed. Do not exceed recommended intake. Only to be taken on a full stomach.

As with other food supplements, , consult your doctor of pharmacist before using if you are under medical supervision, pregnant, breast-feeding, have epilepsy, a thyrpid condition, haemochromatosis, or suffer from food allergies or are allergic to any of the ingredients. Made in a site that may handle nuts. Not suitable for children. .

Allergy Advice: For allergens, see ingredients in bold.

This product contains iron, which if taken in excess, may be harmful to very young children. Food supplements must not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Store below 25°C in a dry place, out of sight and reach of children.

Perfectil Plus Skin is a patent protected formula developed for those who want to maintain the health of their hair and nails, but have a particular interest in maintaining their skin health and wish to give this aspect extra support.
Perfectil Plus Skin contains the original No. 1 Perfectil triple active formula plus Nutri-Dermal™ capsule with extra biotin which contributes to the maintenance of normal skin

The Nutri-Dermal™ capsule also provides Lutein, Co-enzyme Q10 Lycopene extract, plus essential Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil and Omega-6 fatty acids from Starflower and Blackcurrant Seed Oil.

Perfectil Plus Skin is recommended for those who want to focus on the health of their skin whilst also maintaining overall hair and nail health. Perfectil Plus Skin replaces your daily multivitamin and mineral supplement, and can be used for as long as required.

During pregnancy, we would only recommend a multivitamin supplement specially formulated for pregnancy, such as Pregnacare. Pregnacare (from Vitabiotics) contains a careful combination of vitamins and minerals, specially developed for use throughout the whole of pregnancy, and also whilst breast-feeding.

Generally, Perfectil Plus Skin may be used along-side medications because it contains only moderate levels of vitamins and minerals, and it is free of any drugs or hormones. For specific advice on taking Perfectil Plus Skin with medicines, we recommend that you contact your doctor or pharmacist first.

Perfectil Plus Skin contains 28 multivitamin tablets and 28 Nutri-Dermal™ capsules, which are each taken one per day.

One Perfectil tablet and one Nutri-Dermal™ capsule per day are recommended with your main meal. Swallow with water or a cold drink. Taking Perfectil Plus Skin with a large meal maximises the absorption of the nutrients, and can reduce nausea, which is sometimes experienced if multivitamins are taken on an empty stomach. Perfectil Plus Skin should only be taken on a full stomach. Always ensure that Perfectil Plus Skin is taken with plenty of liquid to wash the tablet and capsule down, and not tea or coffee as this may cause them to disintegrate too early.

A regular intake is recommended, which is why the blister pack is day marked, but don’t worry, this will not have done any harm. Simply take Perfectil Plus Skin on the next day when you remember, and take as directed. You should not take more than the recommended amount on subsequent days to make up for any day/s that you have missed. Whilst it is important to take a supplement every day, if you miss one day this is fine because the beneficial effects of the vitamins and minerals build over time.

Difficulty in swallowing tablets is quite a common experience. Vitabiotics have researched this extensively and recommend after chewing some food (e.g. banana), just before you swallow, pop the tablet into your mouth and swallow it together with the chewed food, followed by some liquid. The throat opens up wider to swallow the chewed food and so the tablet should go down with greater ease. Alternatively, the tablets may be swallowed with thicker liquids such as yoghurts or smoothies.

Perfectil Plus Skin has no known side effects when taken as directed. Do not exceed the recommended tablet and capsule intake. In case of overdose, seek medical advice immediately.

Please see nutritional information click here

Results vary amongst individuals, but in most cases we would expect the beneficial effects of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients in Perfectil Plus Skin to build over several weeks, with noticeable results in one to three months. A regular intake is recommended. There is no maximum length of time over which Perfectil Plus Skin may be used.

Calcium is an essential mineral, needed for the maintenance of normal bones. Perfectil Plus Skin can be used with Vitabiotics’ Osteocare tablets, chewable, fizz or liquid.

Certain vitamins are very safe at levels tens or even hundreds of times the NRV, whereas for others the safety level is much closer to the NRV. For this reason every vitamin and mineral needs to considered on an individual basis in terms of its upper safe level.

The Nutrient Reference Value (NRV) is the amount of a vitamin or mineral which has been calculated to help prevent basic deficiency states in the general population. However, certain vitamins and minerals at optimal levels, above the NRV, have consistently been shown to have positive benefits in specific areas of health. This is why some Vitabiotics formulas have certain nutrient levels greater than 100% NRV.

All Vitabiotics products have been developed using the latest research and contain effective levels of vitamins and minerals, while avoiding any excessive amounts, in accordance with official upper safe limits for vitamins and minerals.

Vitabiotics avoids ‘mega dose’ levels of isolated nutrients and instead we have always stressed the importance of safe, moderate and sensible levels of vitamins and minerals, carefully balanced to maximise their combined effect; an approach which has been supported by many experts and researchers over the years.

“I love Perfectil, I started taking perfectil vitamins 4 years ago, can’t live without it! My hair, my skin and my nails loves it! I recommended it to all my friends, colleagues, family and relatives! “

“I have been using these around 3 weeks now and it has done amazing things not just to my hair but my skin and nails are looking amazing, skin looks radiant and nails growing and much stronger…will continue to take them for sure!”

“I have been using Perfect 7Prime Woman 50+ for a long time but 2 months ago I stumbled Perfectil Original Skin, Hair, Nails. My nails have always been horrendous, flacking, cracking, bending etc. I am now on my 3rd month taking these and OMG really cannot believe it, my nails have grown, no flaking, much stronger, I am so thrilled that I can be proud to show my hands now. I just had to write to thank you.”

“Hi. I have been using Perfectil Plus Hair for a year. I LOVE THE DIFFERENCE IT HAS MADE TO MY FINE BALDING HAIR. Thank you for this amazing product. I will always use this product now as my hair is so strong and different. Thank you.”

“I was resistant at the beginning, but here I am after a week I can really feel a change in my skin glowing. Thank you. “قرص perfectil plus

“I am so grateful. … I have been on Perfectil now for a month for hair and my hair is no longer falling out and its coming thick, shiny, bouncy, I just want to say with a smile, thank you! Thank you! Try it please, it works!”

“I have been taking Perfectil Original since l turned 40. I am now 71 and people remark that l not look my age.l therefore have to put this down to your product as my hair, skin and nails are perfect.Thank you”

“This product is really good for me. Thank you very much Perfectil.”

“My friends have noticed the change to my hair condition since it was damaged by a bad hairdresser who completely burned it doing highlights. It took me three years to recover it and it would never be possible without Perfectil.”

“I went to my hairdresser a couple of weeks ago and when he was done he was filled with self praise. He thought that he had the magic touch because he had never done my hair so well before. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was the effect of using Perfectil. My hair is so shiny and it’s getting so thick already. Skin is still glowing and my nails have been growing like weeds. All this after being on these products for only 8 weeks. I will always be a customer.”

Love u Perfectil. Thanks a lot Vitabiotics.

“I have been using Perfectil Original for the last few months and I felt compelled to email you to congratulate you on such a wonderful product. In the past I have used a number of well known products, (which also were far more expensive than your product) and they have NOT worked for me. I am so glad that your product does work for me. Thank you again”

“I am writing to tell you how much I adore your “Perfectil” range of products. My nails have gone from stumpy and frail, to long and strong!!! I haven’t seen a difference in hair length, however it has become thicker and more shiny. …have improved my skin so much!!! All I can say is “well done”!! As a feel good enthusiast, I have recommend all your products to my friends and family. Thank you.”

“I’ve been using Perfectil since last summer and I have to say I am obsessed with it! I got the one that helps that little big extra with hair growth and it made a huge difference! I used to have such thin hair and it wouldn’t grow for me until u started using Perfectil! I have told all my friends about it because they noticed such a huge difference!”

“I started shedding my hair very badly. After taking this hair fall is under control. My skin is glowing and my nails are very pretty. I have got the stock for another 4 months. Thanks Perfectil.. Beauty of Secret.”

“A shop assistant in Boots Chemists told me about Perfectil about 10 years ago after I admired her hair. I started taking Perfectil and my hair was the healthiest it’s ever been and people often commented on how shiny it was! I say was, because I decided to go back to being a blond a few months ago, and as was expected, my hair is now weakened and damaged because of the bleaching process. I am going to start taking Perfectil again to hopefully get my hair back into a healthy, shiny state and, hopefully, grow it back to its former length. Thank you so much for your wonderful product Perfectil. I have extolled its virtues to everyone who has ever stopped me in the street, supermarket, etc. admiring my shiny locks.”

“I just wanted to take the time to send you some feedback on one of your products that I have been using (skin, hair, nails). I have been using this product for 2 months and I can already see a difference in my skin. My skin looks revitalised, I have even received compliments from friends. Your product has literally given me a new found confidence in my appearance, thank you”

“I have only been taking this product for three weeks now but I have already begun to see a marked improvement in my nails, hair, and skin. I will continue to use this product. Thanks Perfectil !”

“These tablets are miracle.. i only used them for 10 days i can see the difference already. thanks for Perfectil.”

“I am very impressed with this product. I am 56 years old and have never been able to grow my nails. I have been taking Perfectil for 2 months and now my nails are strong and lovely. As a bonus my hair and skin are in the best condition they have ever been. I will keep on using this product in the future. Thank you”

“Hi, I just wanted to say how happy I am with Perfectil. I started taking them almost 2 years ago when I suffered from hair loss. I had tried everything else without success, but within 3 months of taking Perfectil triple active my hair was growing back. It is now back to normal but I don’t think I’ll ever stop taking them, my general health has improved and I’m pretty sure its down to Perfectil. thank you so much for this wonderful product. I work in the beauty industry and I often meet ladies who are going through problems with hair loss and I tell them all to use this product. It genuinely works. Thank you.”

“After taking Perfectil Platinum for 2 weeks I can honestly say my skin is positively looking 100% improved and looks so smooth and amazing. It is great to wake up every day and see my skin is even more glowing and fresh.”

“For more than 3 years, I have been purchasing Vitabiotics healthcare supplements for myself and my family. Two months ago, I tried Perfectil Platinum. Results are amazing. Perfectil Platinum has helped me maintain skin radiance and elasticity despite huge lose of weight! Thank you, Vitabiotics!”

“Perfectil is an amazing product which I have been using for more than 10 years and I can truly say that this is a miracle in a box! It does exactly what it says on the box and the results are that it’s taken years off my real age.”

“I’ve been using Perfectil for just two weeks and my skin is almost perfect. Thank you for this product!”

“I cannot believe what a difference Perfectil has made in such a short space of time! My nails are long and strong and my hair is in really good condition. Perfectil was recommended to me by my hairdresser – and I’ve recommended it to all my friends!”

“I have been taking Perfectil for the past 2 weeks and i can’t imagine the change in my skin. I’m so happy – thanks to Vitabiotics!”

“I started using this product on 29th December 2009 and today, 16th March I’ve noticed a difference in my skin and nails! My nails are the longest they have ever been in years (last time was during my pregnancy ten years ago!) Thank you”

“I have been using Perfectil for 30 days. I can’t believe how clear and healthy looking my skin is. What a difference i am recommending this product to all my friends!”

“I have been taking Perfectil for 11 months now and the change in my skin is amazing. Since 15 (now 34!) I had tried everything. I saw these and got some and have never looked back. My nails are also growing, without breaking, for the first time ever and my hair is better too. I would recommend these to anybody. I have skin confidence for the first time in a long time 🙂 I have now started taking Perfectil Plus, as I’m getting older, due to the content of EFA’s and Omega oils, something which my diet lacks. So hopefully I’ll look even better!!! Thank God for these vitamins!”

“I have been using Perfectil for the last 3 years and the results are amazing. Since using Perfectil, my skin is completely clear. I do not even need to use foundation or powder.”

“I am writing to say thanks. My skin has always been nice and shiny but my hair has been a real disaster after having my first child. I have been using Perfectil for 4 months and it had an amazing effect on my hairs and nails. I am very happy that I have chosen to be a Perfectil customer.”

“I have been using Perfectil for 2 months now and have seen a very big difference in my skin and especially my hair. Since using Perfectil, my complexion has become flawless. My hair was also very brittle, it is now so thick and grows so fast, even my hairdresser has commented on how strong my hair has become.”

“Hello, I just had to write this email to tell you how wonderful Perfectil is. I have to take very strong medication and for a long time I was losing a lot of my hair, I tried everything from pills to specialist shampoo, spent a small fortune and had no results. Then spotted your product and tried it for a few months and my hair is fuller and healthier than before. I just wanted to say this product is a miracle for me and I will always continue to take it.”

“I have been using Perfectil for the last 2 months. I am impressed that my nails and skin are much better. I am also going to the gym 3 times a week but I have never seen such a radiant glow on my skin. My hair is very brittle and dry but it is getting better. I hope it will help my hair as well. I will be taking these tablets for a very long time.”

“Just like to say a big thank you to Perfectil. I have suffered from hair loss at the age of 24 so i started to use Perfectil. My hair looks more healthy and has a healthy shine. Many thanks again.”

“First time I have purchased Perfectil but I am most impressed with the outcome. After 1 week I can see a marked difference in my nails. Thank you.”

“I wrote to you before about your wonderful hair and nail vitamins. Well I have taken them for about 6 months and my nails are wonderful, almost can’t keep up with them they were so weak before. My nails have never been so good, they are long and hard and need constant filing!”

“I first started taking Perfectil about a year and a half ago and couldn’t believe the results. The appearance of my skin, hair and nails improved within a few weeks. Thanks”

“I am going through the menopause at the age of 45 and have been for the last 2/3 years. It was suggested to me that I should start to take Perfectil for skin hair and nails. I am on my 2nd pack of 30 tablets and I have noticed an improvement in the thickness of my hair.”

“I felt I must write to tell you how brilliant your product Perfectil is. I have been taking Perfectil for about four months now and have seen so much difference in my hair and nails. My nails were very brittle and would not grow. Also my hair was quite fine. Since taking the tablets I have seen a big difference. My hair seems to have become thicker, growing lovely and my nails, although not quite talons, are growing beautifully.”

“Perfectil has really worked well for me. My hair was brittle and always breaking because in the winter, I normally keep it in plates and this can take its toll on my hair. But since I started taking Perfectil, my hair has improved dramatically and is stronger and has a healthy shine. It has also helped my nails to grow and my skin has a wonderful glow which my friends and partner have all commented on. I’d recommend it to anyone!!!!!”

“I have been using Perfectil for 1 month and I am so happy that it really helped the quality of my hair. I was having problem of hairloss. My hair looks healthy.Thank you very much PERFECTIL.

“During the past couple of years, my skin has not been what it used to be. I decided to try Perfectil a week ago, and the differences made to my skin were almost instant. I feel much happier now. My hair is also in a lot better condition, so thanks!”

“I tried many products but no luck. Some Skin Specialist advised to take PERFECTIL. A lot of Thanks to PERFECTIL.

“Bought this product after having a nasty experience with a dodgy nail bar which ruined my nails, after using them for 4 weeks I can already notice the difference, my nails are growing and are getting back their strength, not to mention my hair feels thicker and is always shiny and my skin hasn’t had the usual monthly break out when my period is due – its magic – thanks Perfectil”

“I have a history of very sensitive skin. I took Perfectil some time ago and felt that my skin was very healthy at that point although I could not believe that Perfectil was the main reason…I then stopped and restarted 3 weeks ago, and I can honestly say the results are amazing ..”

“I have been taking Perfectil for around 6 months now. A while back I saw a magazine advertising Perfectil and it said all the supermodels were taking, so I though its got to be half decent. I never noticed much improvement for about a month apart from my nails were slight stronger, but as all beauty treatments, I thought you should use them for 3 months to notice the difference.
After 3 months there were improvements in my nails and skin, my hair was stronger too. Imagine all the improvements now I’ve been taking them for six months. For years I have been looking for creams, serums, strengtheners etc. to make me look better. We all take them, lets face it, we spend huge amounts of money on them, but Perfectil isn’t a fancy cream and that is way better. I didn’t think the tablets would help improve the way you look until I heard of Perfectil. Listen to one thing I’ve got to say, save your money and treat your self, don’t get all these fancy things, just buy a box of Perfectil. It is an excellent product. Oh and one last thing, no it’s not like taking medication.”

“I have an extremely busy lifestyle, I hardly have time to cleanse, tone and moisturise most of the time, never have a manicure to make my nails stronger as they are weak and don’t use leave in conditioners. I was talking to a mate of mine a while back who has the same problem but she always looks well pampered and she was talking about Perfectil. That evening I went out and bought some, thinking I might give it a try but it might not work. I have been using Perfectils for around 3 and a half months now and the results are amazing. Everyone always asks me where I buy my face cream and nail strengthener from. Its not like taking medication or anything and I recommend it to everyone. They are really cheap compared to all these fancy products, plus you need to buy different types for all that Perfectil does. If you have the same problem as me buy some and if you haven’t still buy some. You will be screaming with joy at the difference…

“Dear Spirit, (Superdrug magazine)

At long last I have the lovely-looking, just manicured nails that I’ve always dreamed of. Thanks to your article and promotion in the Nov/December issue. I think it was in ‘Spirit loves’.

I’ve always had horrible short nails, as I just couldn’t stop biting them, and they would never grow. Even my skin and complexion is bright and clear. Also, I don’t have to worry about taking specific vitamins and minerals, this wonder product helps maintain healthy skin, hair and nails plus it has all the vitamins you can think of. You mentioned that if you start now, by the summer you will have something to smile about but I have the proof already after 3 ½ months. So I’d like to say THANKS FOR RECOMMENDING PERFECTIL!!! I don’t know what I’d do without it!


Ms S M,

PS- keep up the good work.

“Perfectil is Great…”

“I was very keen on trying out various health supplements but never seemed to
notice any benefit, so I stopped taking them. I was a little dubious about trying yet ‘another’ product but as I felt low and was looking old for my age, I eventually decided to try your Menopace and Perfectil tablets. I am so glad I did, because after only 3 weeks I started to feel so much happier and more energetic. After 10 weeks everyone says I look ten years younger! Can this really be due to your tablets? I will only know the answer
if I stop taking them but I am not taking the chance! There is only one person who thinks more highly of your products than I do and that is my husband!

I am really pleased with the product Perfectil.”

““I am now 65 and my skin is very good; I have a good head of hair, and I am always being complimented on my nails which are long, strong and look terrific. Needless to say this is due to taking Perfectil, so I recommend everyone to take them. I am.”

“I am 16 and have recently started taking one of your range of vitamin products, PERFECTIL, and I just wanted to say how good they are! In the short time I have been taking them, I have noticed a dramatic improvement in the state of my nails, and my skin and hair also seem healthier. I have had great trouble in the past with weak hair and nails, and poor skin condition, so I wanted to thank you very much for how much your product has helped me. I am very grateful to you for making this possible, and I would recommend this product to anyone.

Thank you again.

“Dear Vitabiotics,
About two years ago, my nails started to split, tear and were really unsightly. I tried many different very expensive creams to no avail, then about a year ago I found Perfectil in Superdrug.
After taking Perfectil for only 6 weeks, my nails started to grow much stronger, and stopped splitting and breaking.
Needless to say, I am thrilled to bits with the result, and I don’t think a day goes by without someone commenting on my nails, and asking how I managed to get them to grow as long, and strong as they are.
I am sure your sales of Perfectil must have increased in the last 6 months or so, as I have recommended it to so many people – Sales assistants, friends and family.
By the way, my hair and skin isn’t too bad either – considering I am over 60!!

“Dear Vitabiotics,

I have been meaning to write to you for a couple of months but can put it off no longer as I really feel I have to congratulate you on your wonderful product PERFECTIL.
I started taking these tablets about six months ago and now wouldn’t do without them. I am 56 yrs old. I decided to try Perfectil and I have to say, skin is pink and soft again, longest nails I’ve ever had and my hair is thick like it used to be. I can only put this down to these ‘great little pills’. Please,please don’t stop making them and take them off the market. This is the first letter I’ve ever written to a company about this product so you can see that’s a fair reflection on how I feel. Great!

Your Satisfied Customer,

Always see pack before use for full information and directions. As with other supplements, seek professional advice before using if you are under medical supervision, pregnant, breast-feeding, suffer from food allergies, or are allergic to soya, fish or fish products. This product contains iron, which if taken in excess, may be harmful to very young children. Vitamin supplements are not intended to treat or prevent any disease. Food supplements must not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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UK’s No.1 Vitamin Company

When our skin feels good, we feel good, but everyday factors including pollution, lifestyle and diet can affect skin in many ways. Perfectil Plus Skin is a patent protected formula with nutrients for even greater support for your skin†. Perfectil Plus Skin provides the original effective Perfectil formula for skin, hair and nails, plus the additional benefit of a specialist Nutri-dermal™ capsule, in a dual pack.

Each Nutri-dermal™ capsule provides extra specific nutrients targeted at skin health.قرص perfectil plus

Our skin, hair and nails all require specific vitamins and nutrients. Perfectil works by delivering nourishment through the bloodstream, so works ‘from within’. Each original tablet contains a range of over 20 micronutrients with specific ingredients for skin, hair and nails.

For skin health:

Perfectil Plus Skin nourishes and protects from the inside and provides micronutrients to support the building blocks of your skin, hair and nails, to help support their health and appearance. Perfectil Plus Skin can be taken on a daily basis, as part of your regular beauty regime, and replaces your usual multivitamin supplement. Perfectil Plus Skin is protected by a granted European patent. Patent No. 2280684

†Compared to Perfectil Original

*NRV = Nutrient Reference Value, µg = microgram mg = milligram, IU = International Units.

*NRV = Nutrient Reference Value, µg = microgram mg = milligram, IU = International Units.

ONE TABLET (BLUE BLISTER) PER DAY, PLUS ONE CAPSULE (TURQUOISE BLISTER) PER DAY. Swallow each with water or a cold drink and take with a main meal. Not to be chewed. Do not exceed recommended intake. Only to be taken on a full stomach.

As with other food supplements, , consult your doctor of pharmacist before using if you are under medical supervision, pregnant, breast-feeding, have epilepsy, a thyrpid condition, haemochromatosis, or suffer from food allergies or are allergic to any of the ingredients. Made in a site that may handle nuts. Not suitable for children. .

Allergy Advice: For allergens, see ingredients in bold.

This product contains iron, which if taken in excess, may be harmful to very young children. Food supplements must not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Store below 25°C in a dry place, out of sight and reach of children.

Perfectil Plus Skin is a patent protected formula developed for those who want to maintain the health of their hair and nails, but have a particular interest in maintaining their skin health and wish to give this aspect extra support.
Perfectil Plus Skin contains the original No. 1 Perfectil triple active formula plus Nutri-Dermal™ capsule with extra biotin which contributes to the maintenance of normal skin

The Nutri-Dermal™ capsule also provides Lutein, Co-enzyme Q10 Lycopene extract, plus essential Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil and Omega-6 fatty acids from Starflower and Blackcurrant Seed Oil.

Perfectil Plus Skin is recommended for those who want to focus on the health of their skin whilst also maintaining overall hair and nail health. Perfectil Plus Skin replaces your daily multivitamin and mineral supplement, and can be used for as long as required.

During pregnancy, we would only recommend a multivitamin supplement specially formulated for pregnancy, such as Pregnacare. Pregnacare (from Vitabiotics) contains a careful combination of vitamins and minerals, specially developed for use throughout the whole of pregnancy, and also whilst breast-feeding.

Generally, Perfectil Plus Skin may be used along-side medications because it contains only moderate levels of vitamins and minerals, and it is free of any drugs or hormones. For specific advice on taking Perfectil Plus Skin with medicines, we recommend that you contact your doctor or pharmacist first.

Perfectil Plus Skin contains 28 multivitamin tablets and 28 Nutri-Dermal™ capsules, which are each taken one per day.

One Perfectil tablet and one Nutri-Dermal™ capsule per day are recommended with your main meal. Swallow with water or a cold drink. Taking Perfectil Plus Skin with a large meal maximises the absorption of the nutrients, and can reduce nausea, which is sometimes experienced if multivitamins are taken on an empty stomach. Perfectil Plus Skin should only be taken on a full stomach. Always ensure that Perfectil Plus Skin is taken with plenty of liquid to wash the tablet and capsule down, and not tea or coffee as this may cause them to disintegrate too early.

A regular intake is recommended, which is why the blister pack is day marked, but don’t worry, this will not have done any harm. Simply take Perfectil Plus Skin on the next day when you remember, and take as directed. You should not take more than the recommended amount on subsequent days to make up for any day/s that you have missed. Whilst it is important to take a supplement every day, if you miss one day this is fine because the beneficial effects of the vitamins and minerals build over time.

Difficulty in swallowing tablets is quite a common experience. Vitabiotics have researched this extensively and recommend after chewing some food (e.g. banana), just before you swallow, pop the tablet into your mouth and swallow it together with the chewed food, followed by some liquid. The throat opens up wider to swallow the chewed food and so the tablet should go down with greater ease. Alternatively, the tablets may be swallowed with thicker liquids such as yoghurts or smoothies.

Perfectil Plus Skin has no known side effects when taken as directed. Do not exceed the recommended tablet and capsule intake. In case of overdose, seek medical advice immediately.

Please see nutritional information click here

Results vary amongst individuals, but in most cases we would expect the beneficial effects of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients in Perfectil Plus Skin to build over several weeks, with noticeable results in one to three months. A regular intake is recommended. There is no maximum length of time over which Perfectil Plus Skin may be used.

Calcium is an essential mineral, needed for the maintenance of normal bones. Perfectil Plus Skin can be used with Vitabiotics’ Osteocare tablets, chewable, fizz or liquid.

Certain vitamins are very safe at levels tens or even hundreds of times the NRV, whereas for others the safety level is much closer to the NRV. For this reason every vitamin and mineral needs to considered on an individual basis in terms of its upper safe level.

The Nutrient Reference Value (NRV) is the amount of a vitamin or mineral which has been calculated to help prevent basic deficiency states in the general population. However, certain vitamins and minerals at optimal levels, above the NRV, have consistently been shown to have positive benefits in specific areas of health. This is why some Vitabiotics formulas have certain nutrient levels greater than 100% NRV.

All Vitabiotics products have been developed using the latest research and contain effective levels of vitamins and minerals, while avoiding any excessive amounts, in accordance with official upper safe limits for vitamins and minerals.

Vitabiotics avoids ‘mega dose’ levels of isolated nutrients and instead we have always stressed the importance of safe, moderate and sensible levels of vitamins and minerals, carefully balanced to maximise their combined effect; an approach which has been supported by many experts and researchers over the years.

“I love Perfectil, I started taking perfectil vitamins 4 years ago, can’t live without it! My hair, my skin and my nails loves it! I recommended it to all my friends, colleagues, family and relatives! “

“I have been using these around 3 weeks now and it has done amazing things not just to my hair but my skin and nails are looking amazing, skin looks radiant and nails growing and much stronger…will continue to take them for sure!”

“I have been using Perfect 7Prime Woman 50+ for a long time but 2 months ago I stumbled Perfectil Original Skin, Hair, Nails. My nails have always been horrendous, flacking, cracking, bending etc. I am now on my 3rd month taking these and OMG really cannot believe it, my nails have grown, no flaking, much stronger, I am so thrilled that I can be proud to show my hands now. I just had to write to thank you.”

“Hi. I have been using Perfectil Plus Hair for a year. I LOVE THE DIFFERENCE IT HAS MADE TO MY FINE BALDING HAIR. Thank you for this amazing product. I will always use this product now as my hair is so strong and different. Thank you.”

“I was resistant at the beginning, but here I am after a week I can really feel a change in my skin glowing. Thank you. “قرص perfectil plus

“I am so grateful. … I have been on Perfectil now for a month for hair and my hair is no longer falling out and its coming thick, shiny, bouncy, I just want to say with a smile, thank you! Thank you! Try it please, it works!”

“I have been taking Perfectil Original since l turned 40. I am now 71 and people remark that l not look my age.l therefore have to put this down to your product as my hair, skin and nails are perfect.Thank you”

“This product is really good for me. Thank you very much Perfectil.”

“My friends have noticed the change to my hair condition since it was damaged by a bad hairdresser who completely burned it doing highlights. It took me three years to recover it and it would never be possible without Perfectil.”

“I went to my hairdresser a couple of weeks ago and when he was done he was filled with self praise. He thought that he had the magic touch because he had never done my hair so well before. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was the effect of using Perfectil. My hair is so shiny and it’s getting so thick already. Skin is still glowing and my nails have been growing like weeds. All this after being on these products for only 8 weeks. I will always be a customer.”

Love u Perfectil. Thanks a lot Vitabiotics.

“I have been using Perfectil Original for the last few months and I felt compelled to email you to congratulate you on such a wonderful product. In the past I have used a number of well known products, (which also were far more expensive than your product) and they have NOT worked for me. I am so glad that your product does work for me. Thank you again”

“I am writing to tell you how much I adore your “Perfectil” range of products. My nails have gone from stumpy and frail, to long and strong!!! I haven’t seen a difference in hair length, however it has become thicker and more shiny. …have improved my skin so much!!! All I can say is “well done”!! As a feel good enthusiast, I have recommend all your products to my friends and family. Thank you.”

“I’ve been using Perfectil since last summer and I have to say I am obsessed with it! I got the one that helps that little big extra with hair growth and it made a huge difference! I used to have such thin hair and it wouldn’t grow for me until u started using Perfectil! I have told all my friends about it because they noticed such a huge difference!”

“I started shedding my hair very badly. After taking this hair fall is under control. My skin is glowing and my nails are very pretty. I have got the stock for another 4 months. Thanks Perfectil.. Beauty of Secret.”

“A shop assistant in Boots Chemists told me about Perfectil about 10 years ago after I admired her hair. I started taking Perfectil and my hair was the healthiest it’s ever been and people often commented on how shiny it was! I say was, because I decided to go back to being a blond a few months ago, and as was expected, my hair is now weakened and damaged because of the bleaching process. I am going to start taking Perfectil again to hopefully get my hair back into a healthy, shiny state and, hopefully, grow it back to its former length. Thank you so much for your wonderful product Perfectil. I have extolled its virtues to everyone who has ever stopped me in the street, supermarket, etc. admiring my shiny locks.”

“I just wanted to take the time to send you some feedback on one of your products that I have been using (skin, hair, nails). I have been using this product for 2 months and I can already see a difference in my skin. My skin looks revitalised, I have even received compliments from friends. Your product has literally given me a new found confidence in my appearance, thank you”

“I have only been taking this product for three weeks now but I have already begun to see a marked improvement in my nails, hair, and skin. I will continue to use this product. Thanks Perfectil !”

“These tablets are miracle.. i only used them for 10 days i can see the difference already. thanks for Perfectil.”

“I am very impressed with this product. I am 56 years old and have never been able to grow my nails. I have been taking Perfectil for 2 months and now my nails are strong and lovely. As a bonus my hair and skin are in the best condition they have ever been. I will keep on using this product in the future. Thank you”

“Hi, I just wanted to say how happy I am with Perfectil. I started taking them almost 2 years ago when I suffered from hair loss. I had tried everything else without success, but within 3 months of taking Perfectil triple active my hair was growing back. It is now back to normal but I don’t think I’ll ever stop taking them, my general health has improved and I’m pretty sure its down to Perfectil. thank you so much for this wonderful product. I work in the beauty industry and I often meet ladies who are going through problems with hair loss and I tell them all to use this product. It genuinely works. Thank you.”

“After taking Perfectil Platinum for 2 weeks I can honestly say my skin is positively looking 100% improved and looks so smooth and amazing. It is great to wake up every day and see my skin is even more glowing and fresh.”

“For more than 3 years, I have been purchasing Vitabiotics healthcare supplements for myself and my family. Two months ago, I tried Perfectil Platinum. Results are amazing. Perfectil Platinum has helped me maintain skin radiance and elasticity despite huge lose of weight! Thank you, Vitabiotics!”

“Perfectil is an amazing product which I have been using for more than 10 years and I can truly say that this is a miracle in a box! It does exactly what it says on the box and the results are that it’s taken years off my real age.”

“I’ve been using Perfectil for just two weeks and my skin is almost perfect. Thank you for this product!”

“I cannot believe what a difference Perfectil has made in such a short space of time! My nails are long and strong and my hair is in really good condition. Perfectil was recommended to me by my hairdresser – and I’ve recommended it to all my friends!”

“I have been taking Perfectil for the past 2 weeks and i can’t imagine the change in my skin. I’m so happy – thanks to Vitabiotics!”

“I started using this product on 29th December 2009 and today, 16th March I’ve noticed a difference in my skin and nails! My nails are the longest they have ever been in years (last time was during my pregnancy ten years ago!) Thank you”

“I have been using Perfectil for 30 days. I can’t believe how clear and healthy looking my skin is. What a difference i am recommending this product to all my friends!”

“I have been taking Perfectil for 11 months now and the change in my skin is amazing. Since 15 (now 34!) I had tried everything. I saw these and got some and have never looked back. My nails are also growing, without breaking, for the first time ever and my hair is better too. I would recommend these to anybody. I have skin confidence for the first time in a long time 🙂 I have now started taking Perfectil Plus, as I’m getting older, due to the content of EFA’s and Omega oils, something which my diet lacks. So hopefully I’ll look even better!!! Thank God for these vitamins!”

“I have been using Perfectil for the last 3 years and the results are amazing. Since using Perfectil, my skin is completely clear. I do not even need to use foundation or powder.”

“I am writing to say thanks. My skin has always been nice and shiny but my hair has been a real disaster after having my first child. I have been using Perfectil for 4 months and it had an amazing effect on my hairs and nails. I am very happy that I have chosen to be a Perfectil customer.”

“I have been using Perfectil for 2 months now and have seen a very big difference in my skin and especially my hair. Since using Perfectil, my complexion has become flawless. My hair was also very brittle, it is now so thick and grows so fast, even my hairdresser has commented on how strong my hair has become.”

“Hello, I just had to write this email to tell you how wonderful Perfectil is. I have to take very strong medication and for a long time I was losing a lot of my hair, I tried everything from pills to specialist shampoo, spent a small fortune and had no results. Then spotted your product and tried it for a few months and my hair is fuller and healthier than before. I just wanted to say this product is a miracle for me and I will always continue to take it.”

“I have been using Perfectil for the last 2 months. I am impressed that my nails and skin are much better. I am also going to the gym 3 times a week but I have never seen such a radiant glow on my skin. My hair is very brittle and dry but it is getting better. I hope it will help my hair as well. I will be taking these tablets for a very long time.”

“Just like to say a big thank you to Perfectil. I have suffered from hair loss at the age of 24 so i started to use Perfectil. My hair looks more healthy and has a healthy shine. Many thanks again.”

“First time I have purchased Perfectil but I am most impressed with the outcome. After 1 week I can see a marked difference in my nails. Thank you.”

“I wrote to you before about your wonderful hair and nail vitamins. Well I have taken them for about 6 months and my nails are wonderful, almost can’t keep up with them they were so weak before. My nails have never been so good, they are long and hard and need constant filing!”

“I first started taking Perfectil about a year and a half ago and couldn’t believe the results. The appearance of my skin, hair and nails improved within a few weeks. Thanks”

“I am going through the menopause at the age of 45 and have been for the last 2/3 years. It was suggested to me that I should start to take Perfectil for skin hair and nails. I am on my 2nd pack of 30 tablets and I have noticed an improvement in the thickness of my hair.”

“I felt I must write to tell you how brilliant your product Perfectil is. I have been taking Perfectil for about four months now and have seen so much difference in my hair and nails. My nails were very brittle and would not grow. Also my hair was quite fine. Since taking the tablets I have seen a big difference. My hair seems to have become thicker, growing lovely and my nails, although not quite talons, are growing beautifully.”

“Perfectil has really worked well for me. My hair was brittle and always breaking because in the winter, I normally keep it in plates and this can take its toll on my hair. But since I started taking Perfectil, my hair has improved dramatically and is stronger and has a healthy shine. It has also helped my nails to grow and my skin has a wonderful glow which my friends and partner have all commented on. I’d recommend it to anyone!!!!!”

“I have been using Perfectil for 1 month and I am so happy that it really helped the quality of my hair. I was having problem of hairloss. My hair looks healthy.Thank you very much PERFECTIL.

“During the past couple of years, my skin has not been what it used to be. I decided to try Perfectil a week ago, and the differences made to my skin were almost instant. I feel much happier now. My hair is also in a lot better condition, so thanks!”

“I tried many products but no luck. Some Skin Specialist advised to take PERFECTIL. A lot of Thanks to PERFECTIL.

“Bought this product after having a nasty experience with a dodgy nail bar which ruined my nails, after using them for 4 weeks I can already notice the difference, my nails are growing and are getting back their strength, not to mention my hair feels thicker and is always shiny and my skin hasn’t had the usual monthly break out when my period is due – its magic – thanks Perfectil”

“I have a history of very sensitive skin. I took Perfectil some time ago and felt that my skin was very healthy at that point although I could not believe that Perfectil was the main reason…I then stopped and restarted 3 weeks ago, and I can honestly say the results are amazing ..”

“I have been taking Perfectil for around 6 months now. A while back I saw a magazine advertising Perfectil and it said all the supermodels were taking, so I though its got to be half decent. I never noticed much improvement for about a month apart from my nails were slight stronger, but as all beauty treatments, I thought you should use them for 3 months to notice the difference.
After 3 months there were improvements in my nails and skin, my hair was stronger too. Imagine all the improvements now I’ve been taking them for six months. For years I have been looking for creams, serums, strengtheners etc. to make me look better. We all take them, lets face it, we spend huge amounts of money on them, but Perfectil isn’t a fancy cream and that is way better. I didn’t think the tablets would help improve the way you look until I heard of Perfectil. Listen to one thing I’ve got to say, save your money and treat your self, don’t get all these fancy things, just buy a box of Perfectil. It is an excellent product. Oh and one last thing, no it’s not like taking medication.”

“I have an extremely busy lifestyle, I hardly have time to cleanse, tone and moisturise most of the time, never have a manicure to make my nails stronger as they are weak and don’t use leave in conditioners. I was talking to a mate of mine a while back who has the same problem but she always looks well pampered and she was talking about Perfectil. That evening I went out and bought some, thinking I might give it a try but it might not work. I have been using Perfectils for around 3 and a half months now and the results are amazing. Everyone always asks me where I buy my face cream and nail strengthener from. Its not like taking medication or anything and I recommend it to everyone. They are really cheap compared to all these fancy products, plus you need to buy different types for all that Perfectil does. If you have the same problem as me buy some and if you haven’t still buy some. You will be screaming with joy at the difference…

“Dear Spirit, (Superdrug magazine)

At long last I have the lovely-looking, just manicured nails that I’ve always dreamed of. Thanks to your article and promotion in the Nov/December issue. I think it was in ‘Spirit loves’.

I’ve always had horrible short nails, as I just couldn’t stop biting them, and they would never grow. Even my skin and complexion is bright and clear. Also, I don’t have to worry about taking specific vitamins and minerals, this wonder product helps maintain healthy skin, hair and nails plus it has all the vitamins you can think of. You mentioned that if you start now, by the summer you will have something to smile about but I have the proof already after 3 ½ months. So I’d like to say THANKS FOR RECOMMENDING PERFECTIL!!! I don’t know what I’d do without it!


Ms S M,

PS- keep up the good work.

“Perfectil is Great…”

“I was very keen on trying out various health supplements but never seemed to
notice any benefit, so I stopped taking them. I was a little dubious about trying yet ‘another’ product but as I felt low and was looking old for my age, I eventually decided to try your Menopace and Perfectil tablets. I am so glad I did, because after only 3 weeks I started to feel so much happier and more energetic. After 10 weeks everyone says I look ten years younger! Can this really be due to your tablets? I will only know the answer
if I stop taking them but I am not taking the chance! There is only one person who thinks more highly of your products than I do and that is my husband!

I am really pleased with the product Perfectil.”

““I am now 65 and my skin is very good; I have a good head of hair, and I am always being complimented on my nails which are long, strong and look terrific. Needless to say this is due to taking Perfectil, so I recommend everyone to take them. I am.”

“I am 16 and have recently started taking one of your range of vitamin products, PERFECTIL, and I just wanted to say how good they are! In the short time I have been taking them, I have noticed a dramatic improvement in the state of my nails, and my skin and hair also seem healthier. I have had great trouble in the past with weak hair and nails, and poor skin condition, so I wanted to thank you very much for how much your product has helped me. I am very grateful to you for making this possible, and I would recommend this product to anyone.

Thank you again.

“Dear Vitabiotics,
About two years ago, my nails started to split, tear and were really unsightly. I tried many different very expensive creams to no avail, then about a year ago I found Perfectil in Superdrug.
After taking Perfectil for only 6 weeks, my nails started to grow much stronger, and stopped splitting and breaking.
Needless to say, I am thrilled to bits with the result, and I don’t think a day goes by without someone commenting on my nails, and asking how I managed to get them to grow as long, and strong as they are.
I am sure your sales of Perfectil must have increased in the last 6 months or so, as I have recommended it to so many people – Sales assistants, friends and family.
By the way, my hair and skin isn’t too bad either – considering I am over 60!!

“Dear Vitabiotics,

I have been meaning to write to you for a couple of months but can put it off no longer as I really feel I have to congratulate you on your wonderful product PERFECTIL.
I started taking these tablets about six months ago and now wouldn’t do without them. I am 56 yrs old. I decided to try Perfectil and I have to say, skin is pink and soft again, longest nails I’ve ever had and my hair is thick like it used to be. I can only put this down to these ‘great little pills’. Please,please don’t stop making them and take them off the market. This is the first letter I’ve ever written to a company about this product so you can see that’s a fair reflection on how I feel. Great!

Your Satisfied Customer,

Always see pack before use for full information and directions. As with other supplements, seek professional advice before using if you are under medical supervision, pregnant, breast-feeding, suffer from food allergies, or are allergic to soya, fish or fish products. This product contains iron, which if taken in excess, may be harmful to very young children. Vitamin supplements are not intended to treat or prevent any disease. Food supplements must not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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قرص پرفکتیل (perfectil) شامل ریزمغذی‌های ضروری برای حفظ سلامت و شادابی پوست، مو و ناخن‌ها می‌باشد. این قرص شامل عصاره دانه انگور، پروآنتوسیانیدین، کاروتنوئیدها، ویتامین‌های D ،C ،E، انواع ویتامین‌های گروه B، سیستین و مواد معدنی است. به جرات می‌توان گفت تمامی این ویتامین‌ها و ریزمغذی‌ها برای داشتن یک پوست شفاف و موی سالم و درخشنده ضروری و مهم هستند. البته توجه داشته باشید که زیادی ویتامین‌ها هم در بدن می‌تواند منشأ بسیاری از مشکلات پوستی شود. بنابراین بهتر است حتی مصرف مکمل‌ها هم زیر نظر پزشک و بر طبق نتایج آزمایشگاهی صورت گیرد.

زیبایی با پوست سالم و زیبا، موهای پر پشت و سالم و ناخن های محکم شناخته می شود و شرایطی مثل رژیم غذایی، رادیکال های آزاد، نور خورشید، افزایش سن، اضطراب و استرس، کم خونی ناشی از فقر آهن، آلودگی محیطی سلامت پوست و مو را به خطر می اندازد.قرص پرفکتیل دارای ریز مغذی های ضروری جهت حفظ سلامت و شادابی پوست، مو و ناخن هاست، را داراست.

برخی از مهم ترین مواد بکار رفته در ساختار مولتی ویتامین پرفکتیل عبارت اند از:

قرص perfectil plus

ویتامین ‌ها ترکیبات ارگانیکی هستند که از نظر بیولوژیکی فعال و برای فعالیت‌ های فیزیولوژیکی بدن ضروری هستند. ویتامین ‌ها به عنوان کوآنزیم متابولیکی نقش حیاتی در رشد و عملکرد طبیعی بافت ‌ها دارند. کمبود یا زیادی ویتامین ‌ها در بدن می ‌تواند منشأ بسیاری از مشکلات پوستی شود. البته مصرف بیش از اندازه ویتامین ‌ها فقط در گروه ویتامین‌ های محلول در چربی یعنی ویتامین A، E، D و K ممکن است رخ دهد و در ویتامین ‌های محلول در آب یعنی ویتامین C، B مشاهده نمی‌ شود.

هر قرص پرفکتیل حاوی ریبوفلاوین (ویتامین B2)، نیاسین (ویتامین B3) و بیوتن که به حفظ سلامت پوست کمک می کند. همچنین این قرص حاوی مواد معدنی سلنیوم , عصاره هسته انگور و زینک (روی) که باعث حفظ مو و ناخن به صورت طبیعی می شوند.

از مهمترین خواص دانه انگور می توان به خاصیت آنتی اکسیدانی آن اشاره کرد که با خنثی سازی رادیکال های آزاد مخرب کننده سلول های پوست باعث حفظ جوانی وشادابی پوست می شود. عصاره انگور همچنین دارای آنتوسانیدین می باشد که احیا کننده نیروی جوانی در پوست می باشد.

عصاره هسته انگور علاوه بر داشتن خاصیت آنتی اکسیدانی قوی، دارای خواص آنتی هیستامین و ضد آلرژی نیز است. لذا علاوه بر اینکه در جوان سازی پوست و از بین بردن چین و چروک های پوست به دلایل مخلتف موثر است در تقویت سیستم ایمنی بدن نیز نقش موثری دارد. خواص آنتی اکسیدانی عصاره انگور به ترمیم رگ های خونی آسیب دیده کمک کرده و لذا باعث بهبود هر چه بهتر جراحات و زخم های روی پوست می شود. همچنین باید دانست انگور در پیشگیری از بیماری های قلبی و عروقی نیز موثر است.

با توجه به ویژگی های گفته شده این محصول تأثیر بسیار خوبی بر روی جلوگیری از روند پیری زودرس پوست دارد. با افزایش سن، چین و چروک ها بر روی پوست زیاد تر می شوند که این موضوع به دلیل تغییر در تراکم مولکول های کلاژن و الاستین در لایه های زیرین پوست رخ می دهد.این دو ماده باعث خاصیت ارتجاع پذیری پوست می شوند و ظاهر زیبایی به پوست ارائه می دهند. اگر در سنین پایین¬تر تراکم کلاژن و الاستین کاسته شود و در اثر این امر چین و چروک هایی در پوست ایجاد شود، پیری زودرس ایجاد می شود.

یک عدد قرص پرفکتیل در روز همراه با وعده اصلی غذایی با یک لیوان آب میل شود.

آیا می توان از پرفکتیل در دوران بارداری وشیردهی استفاده کرد؟

در دوران بارداری و شیردهی بهتر است از مکمل هایی استفاده شود دارای فرمولاسیون ویژه برای مصرف در دوران بارداری و شیردهی هستند. برای مصرف پرفکتیل در این دوران با پزشک مشورت کنید.

پرفکتیل چگونه و به چه مقدار باید مصرف شود؟
مصرف روزانه یک قرص همراه با وعده غذایی اصلی توصیه می شود. قرص را همراه با آب یا نوشیدنی سرد دیگر ببلعید. مصرف پرفکتیل همراه با غذای کافی می تواند به جذب هرچه بیشتر مواد مغذی کمک کند. پرفکتیل باید با معده پر مصرف شود. برای حصول اطمینان از پایین رفتن قرص به مقدار کافی آب بنوشید. پرفکتیل را همراه با چای یا قهوه مصرف نکنید زیرا می تواند اثربخشی آن را کاهش دهد.

درصورتی که بلعیدن قرص ها برای شما سخت است می توانید آنها را به دو یا سه قسمت تقسیم کرده و همراه با آب ببلعید. درصورت کارساز نبودن این روش بهتر است مقداری از غذا را بجوید و قرص شکسته شده را در دهان گذاشته و همراه با غذای جویده شده و آب ببلعید.

در لیست زیر تعدادی از اثرات جانبی که با مصرف پرفکتیل ممکن است پیش بیاید ذکر شده است. عوارض جانبی همیشه اتفاق نمی افتند و احتمال وقوع آنها کم است. برخی از اثرات جانبی میتوانند به ندرت رخ دهند و در عین حال خطرناک باشند. در صورت بروز هریک از علایم زیر به پزشک معالج اطلاع دهید بویژه اگر علایم قطع نشوند و مداوم باشند:

اگر همزمان با پرفکتیل از داروهای دیگری استفاده می کنید ممکن است اثربخشی پرفکتیل تحت تاثیر قرار گیرد. این وضعیت ممکن است باعث تشدید اثرات جانبی شود و یا حتی تاثیر پرفکتیل بر بدن را از بین ببرد. اگر از داروهای دیگری استفاده می کنید اعم از ویتامین ها و داروهای گیاهی؛ پزشک را در جریان بگذارید تا در پیشگیری و مدیریت تداخلات دارویی شما را راهنمایی کند.
پرفکتیل ممکن است با موارد زیر تداخل ایجاد کند:

بیشتر بخوانید:

فواید باورنکردنی کپسول هیر برست در تقویت پوست و مو

فواید بی نظیر صابون نمک دریا برای زیبایی پوست و مو

فواید بی نظیر روغن آرگان برای سلامت پوست و مو

گردآوری توسط بخش سلامت

مجله دلگرم

© تمامی حقوق این سایت برای شرکت آرادپرداز محفوظ است ؛ هر گونه استفاده از مطالب دلگرم با رعایت شرایط بازنشر امکان پذیر است.

هیچ محصولی وجود ندارد


درخشش چهره بازتابی از درون است. به زبان دیگر زیبایی پوست شما وابسته به سلامت عمومی بدن شماست!

بنابراین در کنار تمام محصولات موضعی مراقبت پوستیتان شما نیاز به مصرف یک مکمل زیبایی خوراکی دارید.

در این زمینه مکمل های متعدی نظیر ایمدین، یوث بیلدر مورد، ویسکودرم و … در بازار موجود است، اما یکی از قدرتمند ترین مکمل های جوانساز که شاید کمتر از آن نام برده شده است قرص مکمل پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم ( Perfectil Platinum Supplement ) می باشدقرص perfectil plus

که در این مقاله به بررسی دقیق و بی طرفانه آن پرداخته شده.

این محصول فرموله شده توسط بهترین متخصصان کمپانی ویتابیوتیکس و دارای رتبه اول فروش مکمل های زیبایی در انگلستان می باشد.

می توان از آن با عنوان ” مکمل همه جانبه برای زیبایی پوست، مو و ناخن ” نام برد.

کمپانی ویتابیوتیک همواره پیشرو در فرموله کردن مکمل های زیبایی بوده،

اما این بار به پشتوانه دانش و درک عمیق از فرآیندهای مربوط به تغذیه پوست، قوی ترین فرمولاسیون خود را ارائه داده و توانسته بابت عرضه این مکمل بی نظیر گواهی ثبت اختراع بین المللی را به خود اختصاص دهد.

فرمولاسیون پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم حاوی تمام مواد مغذی برای زیبایی شماست.

تاثیرات تغذیه روی پوست هزار برابر مشهود تر از تاثیرات گران ترین کرم ها و مرطوب کننده هاست!

چراکه مواد خوراکی به راحتی از طریق جریان خود وارد عمقی ترین لایه های پوست می شوند.

فرمولاسیون بی نظیر پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم حاوی ریز مغذی هایی است که با دقت و وسواس تمام از  کلاژن دریایی ( بیومارین ) و عصاره های گیاهی استخراج شده.

قرص مکمل پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم ( Perfectil Platinum Supplement ) به عنوان اولین قدم برای مراقبت های روزمره شما تا رسیدن به پوستی  شاداب و درخشان طراحی شده.

پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم چگونه به حفظ سلامت پوست کمک می کند؟

فرمولاسیون منحصر به فرد پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم حاوی کلاژن بیومارین، دانه انگور، پوست کاج، چای سبز، لیکوپن، روغن انگور سیاه، آلفا لیپوئیک اسید، کوآنزیم کیوتن سبب ساخت کلاژن، حفظ و بازسازی سلولی می شود.

تاثیرات پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم 

 بازسازی کلاژن و تقویت پوست

*                    ویتامین سی سبب بازسازی کلاژن طبیعی پوست و در نتیجه بهبود عملکرد پوست می شود.

*                    ریبوفلاوین ( b2 )، نیاسین (b3  )، و بیوتین سبب حفظ استحکام ساختمان پوست می شوند.

حفظ و بازسازی سلولی

از مهمترین عوامل پیری پوست می توان به اشعه آفتاب، آلودگی، سیگار کشیدن و رادیکال های آزاد اشاره کرد.

*                    ویتامین E، C و ریبوفلاوین ( ویتامین B2 ) سبب حفاظت سلول ها در برابر رادیکال های آزاد می شوند.

*                    ویتامین B12 ،D،  فولیک اسید به همراه آهن و مواد معدنی، منیزیم و روی به حفظ روند بازسازی سلولی کمک می کنند.

یک مکمل همه جانبه برای پوست، مو و ناخن

پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم علاوه بر تاثیرات مثبت روی درخشندگی و بازسازی سلول های پوست بر سلامت و رشد ناخن ها و مو نیز تاثیر می گذارد.

*                    سلنیوم و زینک سبب حفظ سلامت ناخن ها می شود.

*                    بیوتین سبب حفظ سلامت مو ها، و مس سبب پیشکیری از سفیدی مو می شود.

یک مکمل زیبایی مولتی ویتامین

شما هنگام مصرف پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم نیازی به مصرف مولتی ویتامین دیگری ندارید.

*                    فرمولاسیون منحصر به فرد پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم با دارا بودن ویتامین ها و مواد معدنی نیاز بدن به مولتی ویتامین را تامین می کند.

میزان مصرف پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم  

مصرف روزانه 2 قرص پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم تمام نیاز های شما را برآورده می کند.قرص perfectil plus

 مراکز توزیع پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم  

قرص مکمل پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم هم اکنون در بسته بندی 60 عددی موجود است.

شما می توانید این مکمل را از تمامی داروخانه های معتبر سرتاسر کشور و هم چنین فروشگاه های اینترنتی دارای مجوز و نماد اعتماد تهیه کنید.

جهت سفارش کلیک کنید

عوارض قرص پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم

تا کنون هیچگونه عارضه جذی در اثر مصرف قرص پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم گزارش نشده

اما در صورتی که قصد دارید این مکمل را طولانی مدت مصرف کنید و یا متوجه هرگونه حالات غیر طبیعی در سلامت بدن، حین مصرف شدید پزشک خود را در جریان بگذارید.

نکات و توصیه های لازم

قرص مکمل پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم فاقد هرگونه هورمون و یا داروهای اعتیاد آور است، و علاوه بر تاییدیه های معمول قرص های مکمل دارای تاییدیه کنترل کیفیت GMP نیز می باشد.

قبل از اولین دوره شروع مصرف با دقت توضیحات و دستور العمل مصرف مکمل را مطالعه قرمایید.

از مصرف بیشتر از میزان توصیه شده به شدت خودداری کنید.

همانند تمام مکمل ها و داروهای دیگر در موارد زیر پیش از شروع مصرف با پزشک معالج خود مشورت کنید.

*     اگر باردار و یا شیرده هستید

*     اگر دارای سابقه حساسیت به دارو و یا خوراکی خاصی هستید

*     اگر ناراحتی های ریوی دارید

*     اگر تحت درمان بیماری و یا داروی خاصی هستید

این مکمل مناسب افراد دارای سابقه حساسیت به سویا و غذاهای دریایی و هم چنین گیاهخواران نیست.

این محصول به دلیل دارا بودن مقادیر زیاد آهن به کودکان توصیه نمی شود.

این مکمل به هیچ عنوان جایگزین رژیم غذایی شما نیست.

این فرآورده جهت تشخیص، درمان و یا پیشگیری از بیماری نمی باشد.


سلام خسته نباشید من ریزش مو شدید داشتم خیلی زیاد وناخونهایه دستم زود میشکستنباشگاه میرم اونجایکی از دوستان بهم پرفکتیل پلاتنیوم و معرفی کردفردا ورق 2روتموم میکنم ولی صورتم کهیر زده ایا به خاطر حساسیت به داروه چون من هیچ دارویی مصرف نمیکنم انتی هیستامین بخورم کهیر صورتم خوب میشه میشه راهنمایی کنید ممنون میشم

درود بر شما

به احتمال بسیار زیاد کهیر زدن شما مربوط به قرص نیست

به پزشک مراجعه نمایید

سلام من ریزش مو دارم واقعا جواب میده این قرص؟

درود بر شما

جهت مشاوره محصول با شرکت تماس بگیرید.

با سلام ؛من از بدو تولد موهای نازک ضعیف و کم حجمی دارم الان هم که سنم بیشتر شده ، ضعیفتر و نازکتر شدنآیا این قرص برای موهای من جواب میده؟؟ضمناً من چجوری میتونم تهیه ش کنم و قیمتش چقدر هست؟؟

درود بر شما

استفاده از مکمل های تقویتی و در تقویت مو و جلوگیری از نازک تر شدن و ضعیف تر شدن موها موثر هستند. مطمئنا قرث های مکمل موثر هستند البته در اینکه مو از حالتی که در کودکی بوده ضعیف تر و نازک تر نشوند.

متاسفانه در حال حاضر این مکمل موجود نیست

سلام ببخشید میتونم سوال کنم این قرص برای چه سنی مناسبه؟من ۳۵ سالمه نمیدونم دیگه برای رفع چین و چروک موثر است یا خیر؟ممنون

درود بر شما برای سن شما جهت استفاده محصول جوانساز مناسب می باشد.

سلام من آمپول بیوتین و بپانتن گرفتم یک روز در میون بزنم البته دکتر گفته, حالا کنارش قرص پرفکتیل هم بخورم اشکالی نداره؟ پوستمم خیلی خشک و کدرهممنون میشم جواب بدین

درود بر شما

دو محصول قابل قیاس با یکدیگر نمی باشند.

سلا من قرص واسه تخمدان پلیکیستیک میخورم مشکلی نداره این قرص رو مصرف کنم

درود بر شما

خیر مشکلی ندارد

سلام من ریزش شدید مو دارم این قرص رو تازه خریدم میخواستم بدونم تاثیری داره و چه مدت از این قرص استفاده کنم ممنون

درود بر شما

مکمل جوانساز پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم بر روی تقویت مو و پیشگیری از ریزش تاثیر دارد. اما جهت ریزش موی شدید از مکمل های تخصصی مو استفاده نمایید و همچنین استفاده از محصولات مراقبتی ضد ریزش

آیا مصرف این قرص سیاهی دور چشم را برطرف میکند؟

درود بر شما

بصورت کلی سبب بهبود کیفیت پوست می گردد. اینکه تیرگی دور چشم را برطرف کند خیر، تیرگی دور چشم عوامل و دلایل مختلفی دارد، بسته به علت شاید بتوان گفت تا حدودی روی بهبود کیفیت پوست و شادابی می تواند موثر باشد

سلام وقت بخیرمن دچار سفیدی مو تو سن زیر ۳۰سال شدم بدون ارثیمیخوام بدونم مصرف این قرص باعث جلوگیری یا رفع سفیدی میشه

درود بر شما

خیر تاثیری ندارد

سلام. توصیه های شما و همکارانتون همیشه برای من مفید بوده . این قرص رو هم خریدم. ممنون از معرفی و توضیحات کاملتون.

درود بر شما

ممنون از شما و اعتمادتان به اویرو

سلام من۱۵سالمه این قرصومصرف کنم اشکالی نداره؟؟

درود بر شما

خیر توصیه نمی گردد

ببخشیداین قرص باعث سفیدی پوست هم میشه؟

درود مجدد


سلام.وقتتون بخیر.من 20 سالمه ومشکل کبد دارم که سبب چربی پوست و ریزش موی سرم شده .این قرص رو امروز تهیه کردم .مصرفش مشکلی نداره؟البته در حال درمان مشکل کبدم هم هستم.ممنون میشم از راهنماییتون.

درود بر شما

با پزشک خود مشورت نمایید.

با سلام میشه بپرسم این قرص تا کی مصرف کنم من الان دو ورقش مصرف کردم تا کی تاثیراتش نشون میده با تشکر

درود بر شما

مصرف مکمل های تقویتی و زیبایی تایم مصرف ندارند.

سلام خسته نباشید من ۲۷ سالمه و این قرص رو مصرف میکنم اشکالی نداره؟آیا این قرص باعث چاقی میشود؟

درود بر شما

خیر می توانید استفاده نمایید.

سلام خسته نباشید من 37سالمه موهای بالای سرم کم پشت شده بخاطر دخانیات و استرس درس خوندن زیاد بعدش زیر چشمم خط انداخته تاثیر داره؟سپاسگذارم.

درود بر شما

می تواند تا حدودی موثر باشد

جهت مشاوره و انتخاب محصول مناسب با مشاورین اویرو در ارتباط باشید

سلاممن چهار روز هست که شروع به مصرف قرص پرفکتیل کردم و به طرز عجیبی اشتهام زیاد شده طوری که مدام احساس ضعف شدید دارم و غذام دوبرابر شدهقبلا به هیچ عنوان اینطوری نبودمچیکار کنم؟

درود بر شما

برخی از ویتامین ها از جمله ویتامین های گروه B می تواندد سبب افزایش اشتها گردند.

سلام من زخم معده دارم و بخاطر همین خیلی لاغر شدم..میتونم از قرص پرفکتیل استفاده کنم؟؟؟؟

درود بر شما

پیشنهاد می شود با پزشک خود مشورا نمایید.

باسلام بنده از قرص های پرفکتیل معجولی استفاده نیکروم و۳ماهی است که مو کاشتم میخاستم بدونم از قرص های قدیمی مرفکتیل استفاده کنم یا این قرص های پلاتینیوم؟

درود بر شما

سوال مشخص نیست

با سلام میخواستم بدونم این مکمل میتونه در بهبود آ کنه موثر باشه؟ممنون

درود بر شما


سلام من میخام این قرص روباقرص هیرویت برای ریزش موبخورم مشکلی نیس؟

درود بر شما

مساله ای ندارد

سلام مصرف این قرص همراه قرص هیرویت ب ای ریزش شدید مومشکلی نداره

درود بر شما

مساله ای ندارد.

سلام مصرف این قرص همراه قرص رینفولتیل برای ریزش مو مشکلی ندارد؟؟

درود بر شما

خیر منع مصرفی ندارد

پوست، مو و ناخن های ما نیاز به مواد مغذی و ویتامین های خاصی دارند. پرفکتیل مواد مغذی را توسط جریان خون به بافت های بدن میرساند و بنابراین از درون کار میکند.

قرص های پرفکتیل حاوی مواد مغذی گوناگونی هستند:

پیش از مصرف پرفکتیل در مورد داروهای دیگری که مصرف میکنید از جمله داروهای بدون نیاز به نسخه مانند ویتامین ها و داروهای گیاهی، آلرژی، سابقه بیماری ، شرایط پزشکی تان در حال حاضر مانند باردار بودن و یا برنامه ریزی جهت انجام جراحی با پزشک مشورت کنید. برخی از شرایط پزشکی ممکن است شما را در برابر اثرات جانبی دارو آسیب پذیرتر کند. دارو را طبق دستور پزشک مصرف کنید و راهنمایی های موجود در بسته بندی دارو را به دقت مطالعه کنید. میزان و نحوه مصرف دارو با توجه به شرایط پزشکی شما ممکن است متغیر باشد. در صورتی که پس از مصرف دارو علایم بیماری همچنان ادامه داشت و یا رو به وخامت گذاشت به پزشک مراجعه کنید.

برخی نکات مهم درمورد مصرف پرفکتیل:

برخی از مهم ترین مواد بکار رفته در ساختار مولتی ویتامین پرفکتیل عبارت اند از:قرص perfectil plus

آیا میتوان از پرفکتیل در دوران بارداری وشیردهی استفاده کرد؟در دوران بارداری و شیردهی بهتر است از مکمل هایی استفاده شود دارای فرمولاسیون ویژه برای مصرف در دوران بارداری و شیردهی هستند.

پرفکتیل چگونه و به چه مقدار باید مصرف شود؟مصرف روزانه یک قرص همراه با وعده غذایی اصلی توصیه میشود. قرص را همراه با آب یا نوشیدنی سرد دیگر ببلعید. مصرف پرفکتیل همراه با غذای کافی میتواند به جذب هرچه بیشتر مواد مغذی کمک کند. پرفکتیل باید با معده پر مصرف شود. برای حصول اطمینان از پایین رفتن قرص به مقدار کافی آب بنوشید. پرفکتیل را همراه با چای یا قهوه مصرف نکنید زیرا میتواند اثربخشی آن را کاهش دهد.

اگر در بلعیدن قرص ها مشکل داریددرصورتی که بلعیدن قرص ها برای شما سخت است میتوانید آنها را به دو یا سه قسمت تقسیم کرده و همراه با آب ببلعید. درصورت کارساز نبودن این روش بهتر است مقداری از غذا را بجوید و قرص شکسته شده را در دهان گذاشته و همراه با غذای جویده شده و آب ببلعید.

در لیست زیر تعدادی از اثرات جانبی که با مصرف پرفکتیل ممکن است پیش بیاید ذکر شده است. عوارض جانبی همیشه اتفاق نمی افتند و احتمال وقوع آنها کم است. برخی از اثرات جانبی میتوانند به ندرت رخ دهند و در عین حال خطرناک باشند. در صورت بروز هریک از علایم زیر به پزشک معالج اطلاع دهید بویژه اگر علایم قطع نشوند و مداوم باشند:

اگر همزمان با پرفکتیل از داروهای دیگری استفاده میکنید ممکن است اثربخشی پرفکتیل تحت تاثیر قرار گیرد. این وضعیت ممکن است باعث تشدید اثرات جانبی شود و یا حتی تاثیر پرفکتیل بر بدن را از بین ببرد. اگر از داروهای دیگری استفاده میکنید اعم از ویتامین ها و داروهای گیاهی؛ پزشک را در جریان بگذارید تا در پیشگیری و مدیریت تداخلات دارویی شما را راهنمایی کند.

پرفکتیل ممکن است با موارد زیر تداخل ایجاد کند:

اگر هنوز سوالی در رابطه با پرفکتیل دارید. میتوانید آن را در انجمن پرسش و پاسخ مطرح کرده و متخصصین مربوطه در وب سایت به آن جواب دهند.

فرهاد نامدار

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قرص پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم تا 3 روزه دیگر انقضا دارد
آیا میتوانم بعده آن استفاده کنم??

ارسال جواب

دارو را بعد از تاریخ انقضا مصرف نکنید، ممکن است آسیب های جدی به همراه داشته باشد.

من دارو رو خوردم الان صورتم پیر تر شده پوستم کیش میاد چکار کنم

ارسال جواب

بهتر است که مصرف این دارو زیر نظر پزشک باشد.
مصرف دارو را قطع کنید و به پزشک متخصص پوست مراجعه کنید و حتما در مورد مصرف این دارو با پزشک مشورت کنید.

میشه راهنماییم کنین من با مصرف قرص جوان ساز پوست پوستم کیش میاد بدتر پیر شدم

ارسال جواب

سلام.چه مدت زمانی استفاده کنیم که نه مشکل داشته باسهو اسیب بزنه و هم بتونه مفیدباشه و اثرکافی و داشته باشه

ارسال جواب

سلام چه مدت زمانی از دارو استفاده کنیمک هم مفیدباشه هم اسیب واردنکنه؟

ارسال جواب

برای مصرف این دارو محدودیتی زمانی لحاظ نشده است و می توانید در طولانی مدت مصرف کنید.
اما بهتر است که دوره زمانی مصرف، با توجه به حجم ریزش موی شما و با نظر پزشک تعیین شود.

من از یک هفته این قرص رو خوردم ریزش موهام بیشتر شد بعد هم که قطع کردم بازم موهام خوب نشد تازه دو بسته هم خریدم ۳۰۰ تومان از پولم رفت موهامم همش ریخت

ارسال جواب

من دو هفته این قرص رو خوردم همه موهام ریخت تازه الانم که قطع کردم ریزش موهام ادامه داره دو بسته هم خریدم ۳۰۰ تومن هم پولم رفته هم موهای عزیزم من فقط یک ورقشو خوردم کاش میشد یکی اینو ازم پس بگیره پولمو پس بده برم یک چیز دیگه بخرم

ارسال جواب

من چهار روز هست که قرص پرفکتیل رو مصرف میکنم و اشتهام زیاد شده طوری که دو الی سه ساعت بعد از وعده غذا اصلی احساس ضعف شدید میکنم که با میوه و نوشیدنی اصلن برطرف نمیشه و حتما باید غذا بخورم
چیکار باید بکنم؟

ارسال جواب

مصرف دارو را قطع کنید و برای ادامه ی مصرف با پزشک خود مشورت کنید.
حتما دارو را طبق دستور پزشک مصرف کنید.

من مدتی هست که قرص پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم مصرف میکنم برای درمان ریزش موهام تاثیر هم داشته ولی وقتی بین مصرف هر ۱۵ قرص با ۱۵ قرص بعدی یک هفته تا ۱۰ روز فاصله میفته دچار ضعف شدید بدنی میشم و حالم خیلی بد میشه، آیا این قرص وابستگی ایجاد میکنه؟مصرف رو ادامه بدم یا نه؟ممنون میشم راهنمایی بفرمایید

ارسال جواب

شما باید ابتدا آزمایش خون بدهید تا دلیل ضعف بدنی شما مشخص شود.
بهتر است که در اسرع وقت به پزشک مراجعه کنید تا علت مشکل شما مشخص شود، و مصرف مکمل را با نظر پزشک ادامه دهید.

من چهار روز هست که ای قرص رو مصرف میکنم یکی بعد از ناهار و یکی بعد از شام موقع خواب ساق پاهام درد میگیرد علت چیست و آیا طریقه مصرف صحیح میباشد

ارسال جواب

دوز مصرفی روزانه این قرص یک عدد است برای مصرف با دوز بیشتر با پزشک مشورت کنید و طبق دستور پزشک مصرف را ادامه دهید.
بعید به نظر می رسد که درد پاهای شما به علت مصرف این مکمل باشد زیرا این مکمل یک مولتی ویتامین است به همراه برخی عناصر که برای برطرف کردن نیاز روزانه بدن تهیه شده است.
بهتر است که شما به پزشک مراجعه کنید تا علت اصلی درد شما مشخص شود.

آیادر طول مصرف الکل مصرف کرد تداخول ایجاد شده معنیش چیه ؟
قرص perfectil plus

ارسال جواب

مصرف الکل در دوره ای که شما دارو یا مکمل مصرف می کنید، ممکن شما را با عوارضی همراه کند که گاهی ممکن است این عوارض بسیار خطرناک باشد.
بهتر است در طول مدتی که شما دارو مصرف می کنید از مصرف الکل خودداری کنید.

سلام من این قرص رو مصرف میکردم ولی الان تموم سده واسه من که خیلی خوب بوده فقط الان چون رژیم غذایی خاصی رو دنبال میکنم نباید چیزایی که قند دارن رو مصرف کنم اکثر مولتی ویتامین ها شکر دارن میخواستم بپرسم پرفکتیل هم شکر داره توش؟؟؟یا خیر

ارسال جواب

در این مکمل شکر وجود ندارد، اما دارای قند طبیعی می باشد.

سلام خسته نباشید من چند ماهه از این قرص ها استفاده میکنم و صورتم که قبلا جوش نمیزد الان جوش میزنه و از طرفی هم موهام میریزه الان ادامه بدم یا نه؟؟؟؟

ارسال جواب

مشکلات به وجود آمده برای شما جز عوارض مصرف این مکمل است.
بهتر است که در این رابطه با پزشک خود مشورت کنید تا برای کاهش عوارض مصرف به شما کمک کند.

سلام خسته نباشید ، من درحال حاضر دارم دمنوش لاغری استفاده میکنم و نیم ساعت قبل از هر وعده غذاییم میخورم آیا مصرف این دارو بعد از ناهار مشکلی ایجاد نمیکنه ؟؟؟

ارسال جواب

شما می توانید یک عدد قرص را در روز همراه با وعده اصلی غذایی با یک لیوان آب مصرف کنید.

سلام ایا پروفکتیل رو با ویتامین e یا ریفامپین مصرف کنم مشکلی داره لطفا جواب بدین!!؟؟؟

ارسال جواب

قرص پرفکتیل به مقدار کافی ویتامین E دارد و نیاز روزانه بدن را تامین می کند.
در صورتی که کمبود ویتامین E ندارید مصرف جداگانه این ویتامین را قطع کنید.
برای مصرف همراه با ریفامپین نیز مشکلی وجود ندارد اما در صورت مشاهده هر گونه علائم غیر معمول حتما به پزشک مراجعه کنید.

سلام خسته نباشید من تازه چند روز هست شروع کردم به خوردن این قرص البته یک روز در میان دو عدد میخورم ولی خیلی اشتهای من زیاد شده بطوریکه دچار ضعف شدید میشم واین خیلی منو نگران کرده چون من اضافه وزن هم دارم و سن من هم 40 سال میباشد با تشکر

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روش مصرف این قرص یک عدد در روز همراه با وعده اصلی غذایی با یک لیوان آب می باشد.
بهتر است در مورد وضعیت اشتها و مشکل اضافه وزن خود با یک متخصص تغذیه مشورت کنید.

با این نظراتی که خوندم عجب اشتباهی کردم خریدم این قرص رو. جوش که میزنی .اشتها رو هم که باز میکنه. من امروز خریدم یعنی مصرف نکنم ؟؟؟ چون تازه از شر جوشام ی کم راحت شدم

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سلام من این قرص رو خودم از داروخانه خریدم کسی بهم تجویز نکرده خواستم بپرسم که میتونم بخورم یا نه !؟

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سلام. وقت بخیر. من از وقتی پرفکتیل مصرف میکنم رنگ ادرارم عوض شده زرد متمایل ب پسته ای.. با خودم گفتم احتمالا بخاطر ویتامین های ب هست و یک بسته کامل خوردم. اینجا گفتید تغییر رنگ ادرار از عوارضش هست الان من چیکار کنم ادامه بدم یا با پزشک مشورت کنم.ممنون از پاسخگوییتون😊❤

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ی سوال دیگه اینکه رنگ ادرار من تغییر کرده یعنی ویتامین های این مکمل جذب نمیشه؟؟ اگه اینجوری باشه خوردنش چه فایده ای داره؟

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من الان 40 روز هست این قرص رو مصرف میکنم میخواستم ببینم مدت مصرف برای 6 ماه پشت سرهم مشکلی ندارد؟بایدفاصله انداخت یا خیر

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شما می توانید سوال های خود را در انجمن پرسش و پاسخ وب سایت داروی مطرح کنید و پزشکان و متخصصین داروی در این رابطه پاسخ دهند.

برای در این وب سایت شما بایستی قوانین وب سایت را در این رابطه مطالعه کنید.

اپلیکیشن موبایل داروی

کلیه حقوق مادی و معنوی برای سایت داروی محفوظ میباشد و استفاده از محتوا و امکانات آن وابسته به رعایت قوانین آن میباشد.

بسیاری از متخصصان در دنیای صنعتی و سنتی بر این باورند که چهره ظاهری شما خبر از وضعیت سلامتی عمومی بدن می دهد. قطعاً تغییر رنگ چهره به دلایلی چون کمبود ویتامین، بروز بیماری یا اختلالات دیگر رخ می دهد. برای مراقبت از پوست می توانید از مکمل قرص پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم کمک بگیرید. 

 قرص پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم یک مکمل است که برای حفظ سلامت و زیبایی پوست مصرف می گردد. ایمدین، ویسکودرم، یوث بیلدر مورد و … از جمله مکمل هایی هستند که با ویژگی جوان کنندگی عرضه می گردند.

 پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم محصول شرکت ویتابیوتیکس انگلستان می باشد و از بهترین مکمل های زیبایی این کشور به حساب می آید. البته این زیبایی برای مو، ناخن و پوست می باشد.

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این شرکت در زمینه عرضه مکمل های زیبایی بسیار فعال بوده و برای فرموله کردن آن پیش قدم شده است. این دارو با ارائه یک ترکیب اثرگذار توانسته تاثیر مستقیمی بر روی پوست بگذارد.

یکی از مکمل های اثر گذار بر تغذیه پوست بوده و این تاثیر در کوتاه ترین زمان ممکن رویت می گردد. به همین خاطر بیشتر جوامع از این مکمل و برند استقبال می کنند و ترجیح می دهند یک بار هم که شده از آن امتحان کنند.

این مکمل زیبایی با شکل خوراکی خود به راحتی در بدن جذب شده و آن گاه در تحتانی ترین لایه های پوست جای خواهد گرفت. برای ترکیب قرص پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم از ریزمغذی هایی از نوع عصاره های گیاهی و کلاژن دریایی استفاده شده است.

در واقع این قرص در راستای رسیدن به پوست شاداب و سالم همراه با مراقبت است. این مراقبت ها باید در دوره درمان همواره مورد توجه باشند. تاثیر این قرص بر روی پوست به مراتب بهتر از کرم های گران قیمت یا مرطوب کننده می باشد.

 پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم در ترکیب خود موادی چون چای سبز، آلفا لیپوئیک اسید، پوست کاج، لیکوپن، دانه انگور، کوآنزیم کیوتن، کلاژن بیومارین و روغن انگور را دارا می باشد. این مواد در بازسازی، تولید کلاژن و حفظ سلامت پوست نقش دارند. در واقع با این مکمل، دارویی مناسب برای سلامت پوست خود خواهید یافت.

برای سلامت پوست و تولید کلاژن از ویتامین C استفاده می شود که مکمل دریافتی حاوی این ویتامین خواهد بود. ضمن اینکه برای تقویت پوست از ویتامین هایی چون نیاسین، بیوتین و ریبوفلاوین کمک گرفته می شود.

عوامل بسیاری بر روی پوست تاثیر منفی دارند. این عوامل می توانند آلاینده های محیطی، رادیکال های آزاد، سیگار و یا اشعه خورشیدی باشند. ویتامین B2(ریبوفلاوین)، ویتامین E و C موجود در این قرص سبب مراقبت از سلول ها در مقابل رادیکال های آزاد می شود. ویتامین B12، فولیک اسید، ویتامین D، مواد معدنی مانند روی و منیزیم موجود در قرص پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم می تواند به ترمیم سلولی پوست ختم گردد.

زمانی که در حال مصرف این مکمل زیبایی می باشید، دیگر لازم نیست از مولتی ویتامین های دیگر چون سنتروم بهره مند شوید. پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم با داشتن مواد معدنی و ویتامین ها، شما را از مصرف مولتی ویتامین بی نیاز خواهد ساخت.

در مورد نحوه مصرف این قرص باید گفت که بهتر است روزی ۲ عدد از این قرص را در تایم مشخص و ۱۲ ساعته مصرف نمایید. این قرص ها در بسته های ۶۰ عددی وجود دارند. مکمل پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم را از فروشگاه های معتبر اینترنتی یا داروخانه های قابل اطمینان تهیه کنید.

خوشبختانه تاکنون پیامدهای نامطلوبی از این دارو گزارش نشده اما به این نکته توجه داشته باشید که اگر قصد دارید مصرف کننده پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم به شکل طولانی باشید، باید با پزشک در این باره مشورت کنید و در صورت بروز هر مشکلی به پزشک خود اطلاع دهید.

مکمل پرفکتیل پلاتینیوم اعتیاد آور نیست و با این قبیل داروها نیز بیگانه می باشد. همچنین ترکیبات داخلی آن فاقد هر گونه هورمون است. این قرص ها با تاییدیه های نرمال قرص های پوشش دهنده عرضه می گردند و دارای گواهی نظارت کیفیت GMP هستند.

منبع : آرگا

موهاتو ابریشمی کن !

روغن خراطین و خواص شگفت انگیز آن !

چطور ارزان به آنتالیا سفر کنیم؟

مردان زیبا چه ویژگی هایی دارند؟ (معیارهای زیبایی از دید خانم ها)

نحوه درست کردن اسموتی هندوانه با 4 طعم معرکه

ایده های دوست داشتنی برای تزیین منزل با وسایل دور ریز

نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد.





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Store below 25ºC in a dry place, out of sight and reach of children.

Directions:One original perfectil® tablet per day, plus one Nutri-Dermal capsule per day. Swallow each with a glass of water or a cold drink and take with a main meal. Not to be chewed.- Do not exceed recommended intake.- Perfectil® Plus tablets and capsules should only be taken on a full stomach.- As with other supplements, seek professional advice before using if you are pregnant, breast-feeding or suffer from food allergies.- This product contains iron, which if taken in excess, may be harmful to very young children.- Food supplements must not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.Always read the label.

DirectionsOne Tablet (Blue Blister) Plus One Capsule (Turquoise Blister) Per Day.Swallow with water or a cold drink. Not to be chewed. Do not exceed recommended intake. Only to be taken on a full stomach.This comprehensive formula replaces other Perfectil® multivitamins. There is no need to taken an additional multivitamin.

Nutri-Dermal Capsule:Made in a site that may handle NutsPerfectil Original Tablet:Made in a site that may handle Nuts

For more info:Vitabiotics Ltd,1 Apsley Way,London,NW2 7HF,England.Tel: 020 8955 2662www.perfectil.com

Vitabiotics Ltd,1 Apsley Way,London,NW2 7HF,England.


Full Product Name:Advanced micronutrient, vitamin and mineral tablets plus nutrient capsules with Lycopene, Biotin, Omega-3, Starflower and Blackcurrant Seed oilStorage:Store below 25ºC in a dry place, out of sight and reach of children.Safety Warning:FOOD SUPPLEMENTFood supplements must not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.As with other food supplements, consult your doctor or pharmacist before using if you are under medical supervision, pregnant, breast-feeding, have epilepsy, a thyroid condition, haemochromatosis, suffer from food allergies or are allergic to any of the ingredients.Not suitable for children.This product contains iron, which if taken in excess, may be harmful to very young children.Origin:Made in BritainAdditional Information:Tabs/CapsFormula Protected by Granted European Patent’Composition for hair, skin and nail health’ W0 2009115769 A1

Allergens can be found in the ingredients list

Contains Fish, Contains Soya

Allergy Advice: For allergens see highlighted ingredients

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Not Tested on Animals

Nutri-Dermal Capsule:

4.7 out of 5


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customers would recommend this product to a friend.


4 star out of 5

19 September 2015

2 of 2 found this review helpful.

Brought these for my acne prone skin, after two months of taking wouldn’t say my skin is much different but my hair!i have naturally curly thin hair and it’s really thickened up. Looks brilliant so buoying some more for that reason, maybe my skin will take longer x



5 star out of 5

02 July 2014

2 of 2 found this review helpful.

Since taking these, my nails are so much more stronger, no more hang-nails for me.


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