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The following information is from the “UN Documentation: Economic and Social Council” Research Guide:

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Body-Worn Cameras (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department)

Program Summary: The program is designed to reduce officer use-of-force incidents and citizen complaints by providing body-worn cameras to officers in the Las Vegas (Nevada) Metropolitan Police Department. The program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant reduction in police use-of-force and citizen complaints, and a statistically significant increase in arrests and citations for officers who wore the BWCs, compared with non-BWC control group.

Operation Night Light (ONL) (Midwest)

Program Summary: This is a home-visiting program for youth on probation who are considered at high risk of recidivism. The program is rated No Effects. Compared with the treatment group, the control group was more likely to have completed probation, less likely to have probation revoked due to a technical violation, and committed fewer new crimes during probation; however, they recidivated sooner. There were no differences in the probation revocations due to severity of a new crime.

Enough! Preventing Child Sexual Abuse in My School

Program Summary: This is an interactive, one-hour, online training course that educates school personnel on identifying, reporting, and preventing child sexual abuse (CSA). This program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant increase in knowledge about CSA for teachers who participated in the training, compared with teachers who did not participate.

Text Message Reminders of Court Dates for Victims and Witnesses (Staffordshire, England)

Program Summary: This program was designed to reduce non-appearance rates by notifying victims or witnesses by text message 2 or 3 days before they were scheduled to appear in court. The message acts as a “nudge” to remind and encourage witnesses or victims to attend court. The program is rated No Effects. There were no statistically significant differences in non-appearance rates for participants who received a text message reminder, compared with participants who did not.

Baloo and You (Germany)

Program Summary: This is a mentoring program for disadvantaged elementary school children that aims to enrich their social environment and enable their acquisition of new skills through an authentic relationship with a caring adult. This program was rated Promising. The findings show a statistically significant improvement in the prosocial behavior of the children assigned to the intervention, compared with children in the control group.

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Display Fixtures for High-Loss Products in Retail Stores

Program Summary: The program is designed to reduce theft of high-loss products using protective display fixtures. By increasing the effort and time needed to execute a theft, this fixture increases potential offenders’ perceived risk of detection while reducing their perception of the potential rewards of stealing a product. This program is rated Promising. The program showed a statistically significant decrease in product loss in stores that used protective display fixtures compared with stores that did not.

Special Protective Handling Procedures for High-Loss Products in Retail Stores

Program Summary: The program is designed to reduce theft and accidental loss of high-loss products by both increasing attention paid to the product and reducing general access to the product. This program is rated Promising. The program showed a statistically significant decrease in product loss in stores that used special protective handling procedures compared with stores that did not.

CHAT (Motivational Interviewing for Adolescents At-Risk for Substance Use)

Program Summary: This program uses motivational interviewing in primary care settings for adolescents at-risk for substance use. This program is rated No Effects. Results suggest there were no statistically significant differences in alcohol or marijuana use between adolescents who participated in the program and those who did not; however, there was a statistically significant reduction in perceived peer use of alcohol and marijuana for program participants, compared with the control group.

Alcohol Literacy Challenge

Program Summary: This program consists of a single-session, group-delivered intervention for high school and college students, which is designed to alter alcohol expectancies and lower alcohol use. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to have a statistically significant effect on modifying alcohol expectancy processes and reducing alcohol consumption in college students; however, there was no statistically significant impact on high school students.

Street Lighting in New York City Public Housing

Program Summary: This is a temporary outdoor street-lighting program designed to reduce nighttime crime in public housing developments experiencing elevated crime rates. The program is rated Promising. Installing additional light towers in treated developments resulted in statistically significant reductions in complaints of index crimes, felony crimes, assaults, homicides, and weapons crimes at night, compared with control developments. There were no statistically significant differences in misdemeanor crimes.

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The ACPF was founded in 1982. The first honorary president was Toshio DOKO, former Chairperson of the Japan Business Federation. The current President is Taichi SAKAIYA, former Minister of State for the Economic Planning of Japan. The current Chairperson is Masaharu HINO, former Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency. The ACPF provides support for the activities of the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI), and helps to enhance international cooperation. Internationally, the ACPF was recognized as a “United Nations NGO” with Consultative Status to the UN, and was raised to the highest level of General Consultative Status in 2000. The ACPF has 15 branches in Japan and 17 cooperating organizations in other countries.

―Prosperity without crime!―

This is the slogan of the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (ACPF). In reality, it would be difficult to have a society free of crime, but we should aim for this goal in our actions. Yet how do we do this? By contributing locally and internationally through the international cooperation activities of the United Nations in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice.

Every year, UNAFEI invites around 20 participants from less developed countries in the world to join an international training course or seminar. Another responsibility is to collect, analyze and research relevant information as part of the JICA and ODA activities. Japanese participants from the police, prosecution, courts, corrections, probation and parole, and other areas of criminal justice also take part in the course or seminar.
Over a period of five weeks, participants develop a sense of camaraderie by living under the same roof, and together, discuss the issues and possible solutions, and put together a group report. This work helps the participants to further broaden their perspectives, and contributes to the forming of close bonds which go beyond the differences in country or expertise.
There are a considerable number of UNAFEI alumni who, after returning to their respective countries, later go on to assume pivotal roles in their home country (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Minister of Justice, Prosecutor-General, and so forth), and this network of UNAFEI alumni is a driving force for the cooperating organizations of the ACPF located abroad.
The ACPF provides cooperation for the enrichment of the UNAFEI international training courses and seminars. Lectures are not enough to truly understand Japan. Seeing is believing. In order to broaden the firsthand experiences of the participants, the ACPF branches in Japan organize tours of the local criminal justice offices as well as cultural interactions.
Moreover, in its role as a United Nations NGO, the ACPF is responsible for assisting, cooperating with, and proposing crime prevention activities for the UN by compiling the opinions of the less developed countries and related organizations.

Activities in Japan

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Promising senior officials in the field of criminal justice administration from the less developed countries come to UNAFEI’s training courses. Moreover, renown experts from the developed countries are invited to give lectures as visiting lecturers. In other words, participants not only gain information about the legal system of each country, but also invaluable information on actual operations and the present situation in relation to crime prevention and criminal justice administration, which amounts to a veritable “treasure trove of knowledge”.
Utilizing this resource, the ACPF organizes lectures and seminars in collaboration with UNAFEI. In particular, from 2013, with the cooperation of the Association of Corporate Legal Departments, the ACPF has been arranging for lectures by UNAFEI visiting lecturers to be given in Tokyo, which have received positive reviews from corporate participants. They are also proving to be extremely useful for companies hoping to expand overseas.

Activities abroad

The ACPF and its overseas cooperating organizations hold seminars on matters of compliance with regard to the legal systems, administration and trends of other Asian countries where Japanese companies plan to expand.
One such example is the ACPF Thailand Seminar where senior officials of the Thai administrative agencies provide practical business information to Japanese companies.

■ Thailand Seminar

Japan faces the worrying problem of addressing crimes which target the socially vulnerable (phone fraud, abuse of the elderly and children, stalking murders, and others). Yet Japan is considered to be a “safe” country when compared to other countries. This perception is commonly reinforced for UNAFEI participants through their own experiences in Japan. But, the following points still have to be considered, discussed, and shared.

The situation in Japan and measures taken by Japan to tackle security and bribery differ from those of many less developed countries. The ACPF published a statistical booklet with the title “How Safe is Japan?” (500 yen) in 2015. It describes Japan’s current situation using visual aids to show international statistics and long-term changes to prove how safe and secure Japan is.
In this way, one of our top priorities is for us to think together with the public and companies about the current situation and measures of Japan and the world in relation to criminal justice.

Branches in Japan

Overseas operating organizations

NBER Working Paper No. 8204
Issued in April 2001
NBER Program(s):Public Economics

In this paper, we consider a number of issues regarding crime prevention and criminal justice. We begin by considering how crime is measured and present both general and specific evidence on the level of crime in a variety of countries. Crime is pervasive and varies substantially across countries. We outline the arguments for some public roll in crime prevention, enforcement, prosecution, defence, and adjudication. We consider the relative role of the public and private sectors in crime control and criminal justice. We discuss various measures for the effectiveness of the criminal justice system. We conclude by suggesting some potential areas for research.

   (267 K)

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Machine-readable bibliographic record –

Document Object Identifier (DOI): 10.3386/w8204


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